Aquanta Water Heater Controller integration

I created a custom Aquanta water heater controller integration several months back that has been working pretty great for me, so I thought I’d share it here for any other Aquanta users out there.

I currently have a PR open to include the integration into HACS, but in the meantime it can be added to HACS as a custom repository.

It creates a water heater entity, toggles for Away and Boost mode, sensors for the temperature and setpoint, and diagnostic sensors indicating the status of the various modes in the Aquanta app.

This is using an undocumented API, through an unofficial pypi package by another developer, so currently it’s limited to the known API endpoints. There’s no way to control anything other than Boost and Away mode from within Home Assistant, however I don’t think I have visited the Aquanta app more than a couple of times since creating this integration because it provides everything that I typically need.

If I, or anyone else, discovers additional API endpoints for more things that you can do from within the Aquanta app or web portal, I would be happy to either contribute the changes to or fork the python API package and implement the functionality both there and in this custom integration.

It is possible to send a schedule for Away and Boost mode through the current system, but I haven’t built any scheduling into the HA integration yet, so Away and Boost mode get set with a hardcoded 30-day schedule currently, and assumes that you will simply use an HA automation to disable Away or Boost again when you want to.

If 30 days isn’t long enough as a default, I’d be happy to extend that time. I’m also considering adding date inputs that can be used instead of the hardcoded 30-day schedule, but I’m not yet sure how to make that an intuitive user experience.

Let me know what you think if you try it out! I will check this post for replies, but if you run into any issues feel free to create an issue in the GitHub repo which I’ll likely see sooner.


Wow this is awesome. Are you using it for a Gas or Electric water heater?

Thank you! This is working brilliantly with two aquantas on electric water heaters. Now I am much more interested in deploying to other units!

@ben.mcclure just wanted to drop a mega-thank you for this integration. Really appreciate it!