Aquarium Automation

Hello Everyone,

I am new to Home Assistant but have made very good progress so far integrating many zigbee/zwave sensors, creating template sensors, automations. My system is running on a raspberry pi and I am using a HUSBZB for zigbee/zwave.

However, I seem to be stuck on how to proceed with the next project.

I will be having a couple smart plugs (still to purchase) that I will be using to turn on an aquarium light as well as an aquarium filter. Any suggestions on suitable smartplugs would be appreciated (zwave or zigbee).

The main part that I am struggling with, I would like to include a card on my lovelace dashboard that changes (can be an icon) every 2 days to indicate the fish are to be fed. Then when the card is “pressed” it triggers an automation to turn off the aquarium filter for 10 minutes to allow the fish to eat their food and not have the food get sucked into the filter. Then the card would return to its previous state repeating this process every 2 days.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.