update: no longer getting errors, but still not getting the boolean to reset. here’s what I have
- id: 60g_sys_front_leak_sensor_notifs_auto_on
alias: 60g Front Leak Sensor Auto Notifs
platform: state
- binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_wleak_aq1_53c60508_ias_zone
to: "off"
seconds: 5
condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.60g_sys_leak_front_boolean
state: "off"
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.60g_sys_leak_front_boolean
appreciate any help!
Hey everyone,
just a warning before I start, I’m still pretty new to home assistant and programming in general, so excuse me if the problem is simple.
I’ve got a few aquariums in my house and want to set up some leak sensors that will send me “critical notifications” if they detect water. I have that figured out so far, but would also like it to repeat until I have acknowledged the notification. I tried having it repeat at specific time intervals until the sensor read as “dry” again, but realized I would not want to be bombarded with notification as I’m on my way home to check or calling up friends to help.
Is there a way I could have it repeat, say, every 30 seconds until I acknowledge it by opening the notification and home assistant?
Appreciate any help, thank you.