So I’m using Arduino analog inputs to check water levels on a tank via submersed sensors.
When GND and a sensor input is submersed the reading goes from 550 (out of the water) ish to 50 ish (submerged)…
I’d like to create a template sensor to read the analog pin and trigger an ON or OFF state when receiving a reading of, lets say 0 thru 150 (gives leeway for conditions).
I know how to write an automation to trigger below a certain reading. But I’d like a graphical sensor display in the user interface.
I will use four incremental sensors across the depth of the tank (lets say A1 thru A4 inputs). Then turn the on off readings in another template sensor to Tank “high”, “medium”, “low”, “extremely low, fill me now!”.
That last bit I now know how to do. Just need on off readings from each analog input off arduino.
Looking forward to having a boffin to steer me in the right direction!