Arduino gui


sorry if i wrong category :wink:

am looking for some firmware like tasmota with gui ,but for Arduino with ethernet shield or raspberry pi (am not running hassio on raspberry pi)

my idea that with Arduino or raspberry pins I will control all buttons in my switch boxes another Arduino or raspberry will control relays am gonna sync buttons to relay with scripts in home assistant

Is there a reason you’re set on Arduino hardware? An ESP8266 like the NodeMCU is dirt cheap, widely available, has network built-in, and will work with Tasmota et al out of the box. The Arduino IDE supports ESP8266 so you can still work in the Arduino environment if that’s your goal.

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Thanks for answering, am rewiring my apartment so i thinking that hard wire solution going to be better than wireless bunch esp8266 devices

This might be interresting for you;

Thanks, i was looking for something similar . intresting is there something like that but with gui :smiley:

I found arest api its has some sort of gui interface, i will try testing it tomorrow