Arduino Integration through Ethernet connection

Hello! I’m looking for an Arduino Uno (with Ethernet shield) integration and I don’t know which method to choose in order to receive the temperature from DHT11 sensors and to command 4 channels relay board. The methods that I was looking for are:

  • mySensors via a mqtt gateway ( But I don’t know if is feasible for a configuration with 4 Arduino Uno.
  • openmqttgateway(
  • aREST API. But I don’t have any Arduino sketch example.
  • dedicated Arduino libraries (home-assistant-integration, HAmqttdevice). Unfortunately I didn’t find any example/tutorial that will cover the configuration of HA and Arduino
  • manually configure the Arduino as mqtt client and the RPI as Mqtt broker…

Please let me know if you have experience with one of the methods (or other) and It will be helpful for me if you’ll share with me the configurations…
Thank you!

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