Arduino RELAY switches over WiFi, controlled via HASS / MQTT, comes with OTA Support

It should be do-able. there are lots of projects shared by the HA community on how to do bits and pieces of what you would like to achieve. Use the forum search function to look for projects similar to yours. Start with Broadlink RM.


The search function has been my best friend on this project. Thanks for the info, it is very helpful. If I get it working I will share it with the group.
Thanks again for the help.

Thanks so much for this. I had a dual relay box set up using Blynk and have struggled with the code to get it to work under HA. I actually gave up : )

This works perfectly and is also very educational too

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Another Thanks.
Don’t know if I will add switches to my set up, but is really good to have the option there.

Thanks for all the help

Hi all,

Erick, you did a wonderful job here. I did rewrite/extend it a bit:

  • added DHT11 temp/humidity sensor
  • modified the sketch, so the relays are handled dynamicall based on the input array

Code is here:


I would like to pilot a remote control with a relay, so it must stay excited for some time! What should I add to your sketch?

Hi Daniel,

My apologies, I have not checked my account for quite some time.
My setup is a toggle switch - it will stay ON (or OFF) unless you intentionally change its state.

The Sketch basically hooks in with the MQTT and listen for a state update on the TOPIC it is subscribed to, confirms it back to the server to acknowledge the change. In a nut shell - the relay will simply follow the state “described” by MQTT server.

You can create your automation logic on the HA side controlling the state of the MQTT TOPIC.
(In my recent project, I created a sprinkler timer controlling the TOPIC state) so I do not over water my garden.


I was looking for something like this, and fits perfectly for my project.
I don’t know much about programming, so I’m asking for help:
Can someone add push buttons to sketch, so relay’s can be operated with wall switches (I mean push button) which will report state to mqtt broker.
that would be great, so no matter which button is pushed the light’s will power off, and mqtt broker will know the state of.

I was looking for this, but haven’t found working solution.
The buttons in above sketch doesn’t switch relay on and off.

thanks for help.

Thanks for this!
I was able to get everything up, however the buttons don’t trip the relays… I can see in Home assistant the values are changing from 0 to 1 when I press the button, but it doesn’t affect the relay…
I did not get my LED to work either, but that’s ok since the LED on the nodemcu does clicks on when a button is pressed.
Edit: got my led to turn off when I press the button.


Thanks in advance!

That would need to be set up with an automation

So I’m going to connect this to my pool, which has some momentary push buttons ran to the spa. I can figure out how to tie the momentary on state to an automation to toggle my spa jets, BUT I do not know how to rewrite the ino file for push button action.

Could anyone here help?

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Thanks for confirming that!
I managed to trip the switch with automations, but I am hoping to find an arduino based trigger as a failsafe in case the system is down - I have a sonoff 4ch pro but i’m trying to create a generic version to learn, and customize.
Any help is appreciated,

Sorry it was late last night when i posted that…

You could also just change the buttonTopic to match the swtichTopic

char const* buttonTopic1 = "/test/button1/";
char const* buttonTopic2 = "/test/button2/";
char const* buttonTopic3 = "/test/button3/";
char const* buttonTopic4 = "/test/button4/";


char const* buttonTopic1 = "/test/switch1/";
char const* buttonTopic2 = "/test/switch2/";
char const* buttonTopic3 = "/test/switch3/";
char const* buttonTopic4 = "/test/switch4/";

in this case you would then remove the button sensors from your config, the HA switch and the ESP button will preform the same task

Unfortunately this only keeps the switch ON only if the button is pressed…
I’ll keep trying to figure this out.

Yeah thats the way the sketch is written, High triggers off and low triggers on, I was also looking for low/low or high/high to toggle state

Hi Folks!

I just wanted to say a quick - but heartfelt - Thank You! to @erickjoaquin, @olegunnar, and @koen01

Your work made it so easy for me to set up my Makerfocus D1 Mini together with the JBtek 4 Channel DC 5V Relay Module in my HomeAssistant seup so I’ll be able to control my sprinkler from my desk rather than having to crawl around under the house for every change. Plus I will get notified when the water actually gets turned on and off.

Great Community - Great Stuff!

Hello Erick et al.: Thanks very much for the leadership in getting me started using Arduino with a Wemos D1 R2 and a 4 switch relay. I got everything working but have one question for you experts:

I want to use the relay as a garage button (quick on/off signal, maybe half a second or less) as opposed to the on/off switch your code offers. To make this work I simply inserted
after this line:
client.publish("/house/switchConfirm3/", “1”);

these lines

digitalWrite(switchPin3, HIGH);
client.publish("/house/switchConfirm3/", “0”);

This works great but leaves me with one challenge: When I plug the board in, it boots up, connects to the Wifi, all good. Then, the Wemos appears to “go once through the entire ‘switch with delay’ routine” for all 4 switches. As an example: If I make long delays for demonstration purposes for the for the first 3 switches, say 4, 3, and 2 seconds, then the board will execute the 4 “pushed buttons” once (with its 4,3,2 second delays) before being ready to await Home assistant input.

Usually, this would not be a problem, but if the energy supply in the house is interrupted, the board boots up again and fires a LOW signal for the delay time specified during boot up to each relay, thereby opening the garage door.

Can I avoid the board doing the “startup firing all switches once as specified in my delay Arduino code”? Do I need to change the Arduino code or set payloads to zero?

Many thanks for your help!

By the way, I do not believe that what I observe is the HIGH/LOW states that have been described for certain Pins at bootup, see Rather, my code (better: Erick’s code) is executed once at startup and opens the garage door after boot without intention.

I just signed up to answer in this thread. Great work! I was looking for a complete tutorial and this was exactly what I needed! Works like a charm :slight_smile:

Had to switch High and low as I have an active low module. And I activate more than 1 channel per topic, but this was easily added.

I only have to figure out why some pins lose power during boot up (some channels switch shortly). But the device shouldn’t reboot at all after initial setup, so…

Hello all,

hope eric or someone here can help me.

I use linked code and made some corrections, extend to 8 channel relay mqtt support., but it Works only first 4 channel. I add four more const int outputs and switchtopics, define and so on… Here is the code for better understanding:

const int kuhinja = 0;
const int dnevna = 2;
const int spalnica = 4;
const int hodnik = 5;
const int nik = 12;
const int otroska = 13;
const int kopalnica = 14;
const int wc = 16;

char const* switchTopic1 = “/house/kuhinja/”;
char const* switchTopic2 = “/house/dnevna/”;
char const* switchTopic3 = “/house/spalnica/”;
char const* switchTopic4 = “/house/hodnik/”;
char const* switchTopic5 = “/house/nik/”;
char const* switchTopic6 = “/house/otroska/”;
char const* switchTopic7 = “/house/kopalnica/”;
char const* switchTopic8 = “/house/wc/”;
void setup() {
//initialize the switch as an output and set to LOW (off)
pinMode(kuhinja, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 1
digitalWrite(kuhinja, HIGH);

pinMode(dnevna, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 2
digitalWrite(dnevna, HIGH);

  pinMode(spalnica, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 3
     digitalWrite(spalnica, HIGH);

     pinMode(hodnik, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 4
         digitalWrite(hodnik, HIGH);

            pinMode(nik, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 5
                digitalWrite(nik, HIGH);

                     pinMode(otroska, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 6
                         digitalWrite(otroska, HIGH);

                            pinMode(kopalnica, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 7
                                 digitalWrite(kopalnica, HIGH);

                                       pinMode(wc, OUTPUT); // Relay Switch 8
                                            digitalWrite(wc, HIGH);

if (topicStr == “/house/kuhinja/”)

 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(kuhinja, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm1/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(kuhinja, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm1/", "0");

 // EJ: copy and paste this whole else-if block, should you need to control more switches
 else if (topicStr == "/house/dnevna/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(dnevna, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm2/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(dnevna, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm2/", "0");

 else if (topicStr == "/house/spalnica/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(spalnica, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm3/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(spalnica, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm3/", "0");

 else if (topicStr == "/house/hodnik/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(hodnik, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm4/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(hodnik, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm4/", "0");

 else if (topicStr == "/house/nik/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(nik, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm5/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(nik, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm5/", "0");

  else if (topicStr == "/house/otroska/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(otroska, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm6/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(otroska, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm6/", "0");

  else if (topicStr == "/house/kopalnica/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(kopalnica, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm7/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(kopalnica, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm7/", "0");

  else if (topicStr == "/house/wc/") 
 //turn the switch on if the payload is '1' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 if(payload[0] == '1'){
   digitalWrite(wc, LOW);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm8/", "1");

  //turn the switch off if the payload is '0' and publish to the MQTT server a confirmation message
 else if (payload[0] == '0'){
   digitalWrite(wc, HIGH);
   client.publish("/house/switchConfirm8/", "0");

if (client.connect((char*) clientName.c_str())) { //EJ: Update accordingly with your MQTT account
Serial.print("\tMQTT Connected");

What can be wrong ?

Thanks for help

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Hi All, @Esp8266 (Sam),

I took a quick glance on your code, I am assuming you have also extended the “Topics” in HASS MQTT/Switch YAML setting complementing your added relay codes/topics right?

Hence, you will need to define in additional switch profile in switch yaml following the “format” below:

switch 5:
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "MQTT Switch 5"
    state_topic: "/house/switchConfirm5/"
    command_topic: "/house/switch5/"
    payload_on: "1"
    payload_off: "0"
    qos: 0
    retain: true

adjust the topic name according to your convention, add switches 7 to 8 following the format.

ps.  my apologies to all if my response is always coming in very late, need to look after the family first :-)