Arduino sensor with a PIR

I am a Newbie and still learning , i am trying to setup a Ardunio Switch with a PIR sensor attached to control a wemo switch i am not sure if i have it setup correct the Wemo switch works fine not of Ardunio and i need to setup a automation to turn the Wemo on by the Ardunio/PIR.
some help please


I’m assuming that you are using the Arduino sensor and a PIR with a digital output. If so, you will have no luck because the Arduino sensor is only supporting analog inputs at the moment.

If you own an Ethernet shield you could use the aREST sensor which is capable to work with analog and digital inputs.


OK thanks I will look in to that over the weekend


I have renamed this topic and moved it to the users forum.

By coincidence, it just so happens that the other thread in the new users forum is about connecting an Arduino+PIR sensor to HA via the Mysensors component- viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5&p=12#p12
I’m not sure if doing so would allow you to control a WEMO switch, but it may be worth checking out…

i have the aRest setup and working as per the aREST website being a newbie i need someone to walk me through my first setup of HA basically a blow by blow on how to get this system working, i am using a ardunio with PIR attached and need to turn on a Wemo switch as soon as the PIR goes high.

still learning all of this

aRest uses polling so is unable to act as soon as the value of PIR changes. To get data pushed to HA, consider calling the HA API or use MQTT.

Thanks for the info I will look it to that maybe I will need help later.

do i have to have a MQTT server or broker setup on my network for this to work?


No, you can use CloudMQTT or any other public MQTT broker (as described here).