Are Mfg Apps on iPhone Necessary?

I have different manufacturer apps on my iPhone, such as Wemo, Tuya, Hue, etc. And then I also have the individual products configured with Hassio. My question is whether there is any reason to keep the individual apps on my iPhone or simply delete them and only use the HA app to control everything.

Currently I only go into HA to control the devices. But my concern is whether or not I will break anything by not having the apps on the iPhone.

As a follow-on question, should I also delete the devices that are configured within Alexa due to the individual apps and only keep those that are controlled with HA? I have many duplicates because of the mfg. app as well as HA having the device configured.

The way I looked at it when I first started with HA was I am going to use HA because I was fed up of having so many different apps just to control all of automation stuff so I deleted all of the individual apps, disabled all of the individual alexa skills and have not looked back since, lets face it what is the point of running HA if you still need the individual apps? (just my thoughts)

None of them should require an app to be installed on your phone, if they are being logged into and controlled by HA. Deleting the app shouldn’t break anything

You will need the app if you reset the device in order to do the first setup (Wifi for example)

Since storage is not really an issue, why dont you just put the apps in a folder in case you need them for firmware updates etc? No need to use them day by day or let them take up a lot of screen realestate though


True. But just having the apps communicating with the devices will still give me duplicates as far as Alexa is concerned, won’t it?

No. The app has nothing to do with that

Thanks, everyone.