I’ve read here that Philips hue bulbs are terrible repeaters:
Avoid adding Zigbee lightbulbs to your hub in combination with other Zigbee devices, since the lightbulbs will try to act as routers, but unfortunately they only perform this role properly with other lightbulbs. The exception we have found are Sengled Zigbee lightbulbs, which do not try to take on the role of repeating other Zigbee devices. Zigbee light bulbs do not have issues routing among themselves, therefore a good alternative is a separate Zigbee network via a compatible bridge such as the Philips Hub Bridge, or a second Hubitat Elevation hub with only Zigbee lightbulbs paired to it. This will avoid this issue of bulbs attempting, and subsequently failing to repeat signals for other devices, by establishing two separate and stable Zigbee networks.
I would like to know if someone indeed experienced issues using philips hue bulbs on its network, among other zigbee devices (aqara for instance).
I use a Deconz Conbee II, and when I look at my network map, it looks quite strange because my Aqara switches & sensors are not connected to anything, but they work though.
I have lot’s of disconnects of my xiaomi sensors in combination with conbee2… i have some wall switches, but i cannot this if they work as a repeater, they also work bad.
Any thoughts about that?
Any informations regarding the usage of philips hue bulbs and hoping they would act greatly as repeaters ? Should I get them out of my zigbee network and buy tradfri plugs ?
I’m on deconz with a conbee II and it seems to work ok. The only “light” that isn’t philips hue is my nightstand lamp (aqara plug). All the sensors are aqara.
it could be that your aqara clients (door/window sensors, buttons etc) are not showring in VNC as connected. They go to sleep to save battery, it’s ok. As soon as you click the button/open the window/door the device comes only very quick and sends it’s state to a router (light or another Zigbee device that’s connected to mains power) back to the coordinator. I see my aqara client devices without a “line” between the device and a router/coordinator and they work blazing fast.
Thanks guys for your answers. I think I’ll add more routers that are not Hue bulbs just for testing. I also have a zzh stick, so I’ll check how it goes with that stick instead of my conbee.
Any updates on this. I just picked up a hue lights bundle at an estate sale. It’ll be my first zigbee devices. However, I’m about to purchase some other aqara stuff.
I’m also going to pick up a tubes zb store V2 Cc2652 to send out the zigbee signals from my pi 4 running HA.
Hope this helps describe my setup. Will I have issues with hue playing nicely with otters?
If you have a moment would you update your experience using Philips hue bulbs as repeaters. Good? Bad?
Have same question here… Primarily looking to extend my zb network reach.
Thanks aixki!