Are there any hardwired, interconnected smart smoke detectors with heat detectors?

I’m looking to replace my current smoke/co detectors with a smart/HA-friendly setup.

Due to building code, my requirements:
mains-powered with battery backup
fully interconnected
heat detector units in the garage (this last part is tricky)

My goals:
#1 - be able to tell which detector (which room) is the trigger. This is the big thing.
#2 - get alerts when the alarm goes off
optionally - be able to detect battery level, silence alarms by app, etc

My current setup is a bunch of traditional smoke/co detectors, interconnected, mains-powered. I actually have SM120X/CO120X relays wired up for future integration, so I can easily integrate that with my hub and send notifications when the alarm goes off.

What I can’t do is detect which room is triggering the alarm, which is the big thing. I’ve been looking for a smart setup, but I can’t find anything that fits the requirements. The Nest units are close, but they don’t offer dedicated heat detectors. There are the first alert zwave units, but they’re not mains-powered.

The only thing I can think is to go the DIY route. My thought is esp8266 units with photodiodes on each smoke detector, which read and report on the LEDs. I think I can decode everything I need from that (alarm, which unit is triggering, low battery, etc). I’m wary of modifying the detectors themselves, so I’m not considering modifying/soldering the detectors.

But is there any off-the-shelf smart smoke detectors that fits my requirements? I’d rather do off the shelf is possible.

you can always setup some ESP01 devices with DS18B20 temp sensors. That would be super cheap to do and you can monitor all your rooms temps. I don’t even think that resistor is necessary but here’s a link