Area_entities update when entities in an area are added/removed

Currently when the area_entities is used within a template, it doesn’t listen for any entities being added or removed from an area so a template reload / HA restart is required to pick up such changes.

This feature request is to update area_entiries when entities are added or removed from an area so that those templates using it show up to date information.

Unlikely to happen. When you make configuration changes you need to reload or restart. Home assistant does not monitor for configuration changes and update them in real time.

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Maybe the feature request could change to just be a scan and notification to the user when editing an entities area that any templates referencing it need to be reloaded? Just a thought as I was unaware of this current behaviour actually and was surprised when I found out the cause of some issue I was seeing.

It’s great how in some places on the UI it can tell you for example if you need a HA restart etc. The feature request would be to further improve the UI to indicate that a possible configuration.yaml or other template reload are needed due to modifying something like an area entity.