Area LoveLace Card

HI Philip,

really sorry but I am lost… How to add this when in yaml mode?

I tried the card in my UI setup but all it says is

type: area
area: attic

is that all there is to it?

the switch on the right side doesn’t have a tooltip, so I don’t even know which of my entities is configured…

Yes, that is all there is for now, plus the option show_camera: true to show a camera live feed instead of a static image.

Additional iterations will be required to offer more control and better entity selection. E.g. I don’t even get a temperature shown since climate entities apparently are not considered (I assume you have a dedicated temperature entity in your attic?).

yes, here’s the Area card in the Areas panel, having quite a few more entities than a temp sensor and a switch

Schermafbeelding 2021-12-15 om 23.33.57

where it now shows like:

Schermafbeelding 2021-12-15 om 23.37.51

as area card. Why its showing 26.5 degrees is beyond me, because neither of my temp sensors in the attic have a value anywhere close to that…

Schermafbeelding 2021-12-15 om 23.38.40

adding the attic area to a few lights, is immediately reflected in the card, so thats cool:

Schermafbeelding 2021-12-15 om 23.42.42

Still, handling all of those together isn’t so cool…

would you have to source code link for that card, so we can have a peek what it’s doing? this it: frontend/ha-area-picker.ts at 4ebdca2a46c8ed634ea0fc2f108f50bda97442b4 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

and the PR Area Card by zsarnett · Pull Request #10141 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

I also see a running human icon there when the motion sensor turns on. nice touch :wink:

The new Area card also lacks a documentation page like all other Lovelace cards have.

I also have the issue with the temperature that gets unexplainable value when there are multiple temperature sensors in one area.

The on/off switch works, but you have to be really careful with that. Before you know it you have turned off essential devices that are setup as a switch in that area.

In the end this card has potential but it should be much more configurable.


I agree…

  • I am also seeing erroneous values for temperatures
    • searching through developer tools I have found nothing reporting a similar value to what is displayed.
  • The global all off toggle button is an invitation to a bigger problem

I do like the idea, but it does need some more options for us to customise what can be toggled with the toggle button would be useful.

I thought the AREAS cards were gonna be useful but at the moment far from it unfortunately. I hope they will get some much needed attention for the next release. Just a few thoughts below.

  • lights should open popup to show which lights and not just shut down all of them
  • same for power switches (which is dangerous anyway, switch off fridge and kitchen light !)
  • the movement icon should be there all the time to indicate no movement for an area
  • lots of entities are not listed on the card although put in the area; humidity, lux, smoke
  • I would expect a least a shortcut to the ‘device’ page for an item listed in this area


Give @zsarnett a break, you should not “expect” anything as he made this out of his own time and kindness.
This is the reason it is Open Source, if you want or “expect” more functionality, you can add the changes yourself.
Learn how to work on the development version of HA, make the tweaks, create a Pull Request, if satisfactory it will be merged & then it will be in a future release where someone else can “expect” things. And you will also feel disheartened that your efforts are not appreciated.

You are not forced to use the card in its current state. Be kind.


Thanks for all the feedback everyone. When we release cards they aren’t always going to be the most configurable the first release. Remember. Features can be added. But its hard to remove features. (Breaking Changes)

So for the first release, its all automatically configured. This was decided so that it was an easy card to add. Hearing your feedback on what you want added is great but don’t expect every feature possible added on the first try or ever. Custom Cards can be cloned to have all features if wanted.

We are going to add more and more to coming releases. The area card is going to be a big focus in Q1 for me to update and add features.

Thanks @Mike_M Appreciate the kind words and you are 100% correct. Everything is done in free time for the most part. Try not to expect things and simply ask :slight_smile: Next time that feature may be in there.

Thanks again. Keep feedback coming on what you want to see


Hello everyone,
I have now made a few attempts with the new area card. It would be very nice if these could be resized to better integrate them into the dashboard.
Unfortunately for me these are either too small or too big

Could you help me find the answer? How to change static picture to camera video in Area LoveLace Card?
My configuration in Area LoveLace Card:

- type: area
    area: balkon
    show_camera: true

Configuration in /config/configuration.yaml

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: balkon
    input: rtsp://vit:[email protected]:554/h265/av_stream

What is wrong?

This object (“camera.balkon”) does not have a unique identifier. What makes it impossible to set the area “balcony” on this entity

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Not sure if that integration supports setting a unique ID, but you could try to add one to your YAML config to check: unique_id: whatever

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Thanks. But it does not support unique_id:

Invalid config for [camera.ffmpeg]: [unique_id] is an invalid option for [camera.ffmpeg]. Check: camera.ffmpeg->unique_id. (See ?, line ?).

in a Lovelace Area Card, it is possible to adjust/modify color or brightness of the temperature (and now with 2022.7 also humidity) ? Cause this grey color it’s not so visible.
Maybe with card mod?
Any help appreciated. Thanks a lot.

It’d be lovely to show the status of media players within an area on this card. Power/Play/Pause/Volume would be even more lovely.

After almost a year I was hoping this should had some updates in the meanwhile… Looked very promising at the start but seems to be forgotten?

Still using HACS cards to get more out my cards:

Area card: looks great
Room card: simple but so many information possible at one glance

Still hoping this integrated card will get some more love and possibilities in the near future.

Not sure if anyone else is having an issue, but been receiving errors “unable to call service” for lights / switches.

I have a thread here but not been much reaction for the same issue elsewhere, so I’m wondering if the issue is unique to me. However, the cards haven’t been reconfigured and you can’t really go wrong with configuring them.

Is there any possibility to change the temperature sensor in the area card? Or has development of these cards stopped? It just doesn’t make sense to display a totally random value for the temperature in an area

It’s would be nice to have auto-discovery of door/window binary sensors so, like the motion sensor, a door/window icon appear when a door/window is open in a specific room.


I would also love for the aera card to be updated, it’s not so bad at the moment but the only thing I found to get correct temp was to banish the multiple sensors in a “trash” zone to get only 1 temp sensors…
It would be great if the area card had more option (for instance, while keeping the auto detect, a tickable list to allow check / uncheck the sensor from display => an aggregation/splitted setting (opening captor) and a reorder way… a bit like the “sensor” mode :slight_smile:

I think it would still keep the retro compat but add more functions.

The ability to pic a image if the camera is off or loading
The ability to add some other icons near the lights, switches and fans.
The ability to blacklist or whitelist so we have control over what it turns on or off.

Those are some of my suggestions.

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