It doesn’t seem that the
domain is online. Did something expire?
I just have to chime in…
I bought the pain APP shortly after finding it simply because I was just starting in HA and wanted a way to get phone notifications easily - it is probably only the 3rd app I have ever paid for (just so you understand my point of view).
I have been thoroughly happy with the APP - but I have to say… you are dedicated, hard working, and really good…
Adding a phone notification MQTT message AND IN LESS THAN 4 HOURS FROM REQUEST?!?!?
You my friend… and something else.
I am more than impressed.
Its working now
Thank you very much, i am very glad you like my work
Hi Ionut, I have an idea:
My wife often checks my position when driving home in order to know where I am and when I can be expected to be back.
Klicking into the map and zooming in is especially on a phone not very comfortable.
My request: when tapping on a badge, which represents geografical information (person, device_tracker) you show the detailed information. A button in this screen “show on Map” switches into the map and zooms automatically in.
That would help a lot.
When switching into the map via menu, no change is necessary.
Thank you for the suggestion. This can be done.
According to this post, the value Ariela publishes for SSID contains literal double-quotes.
I’m not currently using Ariela, so I cannot confirm it, but if it’s true then it’s a mistake. String values, for either states or attributes, should not include literal delimiters (it’s not done anywhere else in Home Assistant).
For example, if one’s SSID is myhomenetwork
then it should appear in the attribute like this:
not like this:
Next version of Ariela will have this fixed.
Version is out.
What’s new:
- remove quotes in wifi mqtt sensor ssid
- fixed invalid battery mqtt sensor icon display
- setup screen UI changes and simplification
- other UI changes
- hardware accelerated UI drawing
Excellent work Ionut.
Thanks for the app. I was able to successfully set it up on HassIO 0.93.1 by using HANotify and enabling firebase notification in your app, (not really am sure about the remaining options on the notifications page on the mobile app - is there any help or documentation for it).
Also tried the callback feature using automations to trigger an event from the mobile notifications button.
Just want to know can we customize the notification sounds for Ariela notifications to distinctly identify messages coming from HA.
HANotify is not really required for sending notifications starting with HA version 0.92. THe mobile_app component if enabled will do just fine. Using Ariela this should be auto enabled. More details you can find here:
About your notifications suggestion let me see what i can do about that.
Hey Ionut,
Thanks a lot for your awesome app, I’ve bought the Pro version to say thank you.
Can you please consider in the future to add find3 integration?Or something similar to get internal positioning
That would be great! That’s the only thing missing from this really complete client.
Hi, thank you very much for your support, i am glad you like the app.
I have in the works WiFi RTT (internal positioning using wifi) so please stay tuned.
If I leave the connection retry setting turned off, it doesn’t maintain connection and keep track of location/sensors.
Sadly, it looks like I have to leave it on and deal with bad battery for the time being. I think it would be good to put in some checks to alleviate the constant reconnection.
If going from no-wifi to wifi connection, reconnect and send data. If going from wifi to no-wifi, reconnect <configurable> number of seconds
Device tracking is a really tough thing to nail down. I might have to switch to Tasker if I can’t figure out something.
I will add in the next version an option to set the reconnection time. Hope this will fix the issue
Super cool, thanks
Can confirm this problem, with reconnect retry on it eats up a lot of battery. Thankfully I have 4000mAh
Thanks, this took 44% of my battery today.
I would love to see support for Tasker to allow us the ability to specify all the conditions surrounding updates from Ariela to HA
Hi all,
I’m unable to use Car Position Automation shared on Ariela website.
I look in log and found this:
Log Details (ERROR)
Sat Jun 01 2019 15:44:57 GMT+0200 (Ora legale dell’Europa centrale)
Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: ‘trigger’ is undefined
Some one has the same issue?
I will see what i can do about this.
Can you tell me which HA version you are using?
Last one 0.92.3