Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Ok, I have a new odd one. When I am away on 4g I can’t get the web UI view to work, only the both UI options ticked to off works (android views or something). Everything works fine at home. Wife’s phone doesn’t have this issue. What have I done wrong here, it’s all the same server addresses between them, they are even the same model phone (Samsung S8)

Send me the logs so i can investigate

Thats very strange. Can you make a video of the issue and send it to me

I am having great difficulty getting notification to work. After adding the mobile app to my configuration yaml file I can manually send via services and the messages are sent to the device I call out. I set up automations to send out notifications when I enter or exit a zone and no notifications are sent. HA sees the status of the device as I see the device in the zone when it enters the zone. No notification is ever sent no matter what the status. I have emailed the author of the program and he did not see an error in my automation yaml file. I posted my automation file here and the only response was it needs to be posted with some type of formatting program which I don’t understand where to access this. Does anyone have automation notifications working correctly using Ariela? If so, can you kindly post a portion of your automation yaml file so I can compare it to mine?

I do, but it’s in note red (and this is main reason why I use node red, it’s easy to see what part of your automation went wrong when it doesn’t work)
There is no much to say, it’s simple service call


Did you ever get it to work without NodeRed? If not, just another integration for a new person to learn. I would have thought that notifications would be easy and not require anything additional to work. HA sees that I am in the zone, but the notification never gets sent.

There should be no problem using normal HA automations, assuming you format it correctly. Node Red literally does the same service calls that HA automations do.

Well I copied an automation that supposedly worked. Used the same formatting as what I copied and I can’t get it to work. I tried to paste it here but someone answered to use a formatting tool prior to posting here. I just found the tool, so here is a piece of my automation:

This is a piece of my automation

  - alias: 'Leave Gym notification'
      platform: zone
      event: leave
      zone: zone.gym
      entity_id: device_tracker.bill_pixel_xl
      service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_xl
        message: 'Bill has left the gym'

Instead of copying someone else’s code. You can easily test for yourself the notifications.

You go to the /dev-service page on your HA, and find notify.mobile_app_pixel_xl or whatever your device actually shows there.

Use the JSON format to send a notification.

As I stated above, manual notification was never a problem.

When your automation runs, do you see anything in the logs?
Usually there is something useful to help diagnose the failure.

I think you found my problem.

“Error while executing automation automation.leave_gym_notification. Service not found for call_service at pos 1: Unable to find service notify/mobile_app_pixel_xl.”

I don’t know what this means.

Well, if you test the service call from the HA GUI, the notify service should be there.

It is. I get this in the error log from the automation.

Your automation can’t find it. Have you restarted HA since adding the device? Maybe it’s a bug with how automations see services.

Many times.

The error has a backslash?


Can you double check your automation… it should be a period as your earlier code shows…


Make sure it is a period and not a backslash. I haven’t debugged a lot in HA yet, but it seems odd to me that the error would write it differently than the service would.


I copied and pasted from my log file. My automation file is correct with the period.

I just tried deleting my automation file and recreate it with the built-in automation file creator and the built-in makes the automation file slightly different. Only problem it fails the file check. Maybe the code is getting changed prior to HA 1.0 and this is causing my problem?

Not sure what could go wrong here.
I did c/p of your automation and test it, it works fine, I get notification.
Are you sure entity id is correct? Can you take screenshot of service call that works when called directly? Like this

I’m sure it is correct. What is even more strange is last night the built in automation did not work. I made to new one this morning and it worked. I’ll try another on and see if the problem is resolved and if it is post the difference of code.