Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Do you notice any connection drops? Can you see what happens after let say 1 hour connected over wifi? Also please check if any battery optimisations are enabled for Ariela.

I’m now we’ll over 2 hours connect via WiFi and I didn’t notice any connection drops…

The battery usage for ariela pro is optimized

Please try to disable the optimized since the OS can do more harm then good.

Okay I will give it a try!

It still drains battery, active battery use keeps getting higher

Very strange. Can you try disabling mqtt sensors and enable them one by one and see which has the highest battery drain?

I have checked the mark on mqtt sensor in settings>mqtt but in sensors I didn’t have anything checked…

Version is out.
What’s new:

  • show the SSL webview dialog only once
  • updated Russian localization
  • hide Android Wear battery sensor is no Android Wear device is available
  • fixed issue where entity name is not shown
  • fixed weather entities status icon loading issue
  • fixed HFP / A2DP sensors issue where the location is not send
  • fixed crash when trying to edit an entity attributes

Entities in my entity list are showing the names again in this version, not sure what happened before, but thanks anyway for fixing it :slight_smile:

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Still setting fast battery drain with the new version.

You guys keeps talking about battery drain. How much is ariela taking up for you guys. I just checked mine and it said 4% is that considered a lot?

Since a couple of updates ago I have lost 20% in 1.5 hours.

20% with phone screen off and Ariela not opened (but still showing the notification? )

Same as bschatzow

and all MQTT sensors off and mobile_app off

Pretty common for it to eat up a bunch of battery throughout the day

Can you try to disable auto reconnection?

Ionut Done. Tomorrow let you know.

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Yes. Dropped another 10%.

Something else its happening there. I cannot reproduce such drastic battery usage. Do you have any battery optimizations? How do you close Ariela: from back button or home button?