Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client


Try adding “force_image”:true to the data json from notification. If that image is from your server and your server is behind a SSL self signed certificate, Android will not going to know how to access it. So putting that force_image will make Ariela download that. Please let me know if works.

when i add “force_image”:true to node red service call i get an error

{“title”:“Motion Alert”,“data”:{“url”:“MY-URL/image/FDC?q=50&s=80”,“force_image”:"true","tag":"1","actions":[{"action":"open_door","title":"Open door"}]}}

without force_image it works fine as long as im on my network.

I use nabu casa to connect when im away from home.

Can you tell me which is the error?

invalid json

Devices on map appear only after clicking on their badges. Refreshing the dashboard makes them dissapear again, and I need to click on their badges again. Anyone else experiencing this?

Maybe cause you disnt put the message.

Can you make a small video with the issue please?

this works

{"message":"Motion Alert","data":{"image":"MY_URL/image/FDC?q=50&s=80","tag":"1","actions":[{"action":"open_door","title":"Open door"}]}}

This does not work

{"message":"Motion Alert","data":{"image":"MY_URL/image/FDC?q=50&s=80",“force_image”:"true","tag":"1","actions":[{"action":"open_door","title":"Open door"}]}}

Is MY_URL internal ip or external?

Internal. Should I use my nabu casa url instead?

Well, if you pass an internal address of the image of course that url will not be accessible from outside the network :smiley:

Home assistant grabs the snapshot from my local blue iris server. Then home assistant send the snapshot to ariela. I didn’t think this would be a problem.

Hi Ionut,

can you please update info on your website to make car location working also with mobile app?

I’ve tried with the following code but without success:

- id: '1552465990326'
  alias: Car Position Automation
  # hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'  
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.xiaomimi6_hfp_sensor
    to: 'true'
  # - platform: mqtt
    # topic: homeassistant/sensor/android_xiaomimi6_hfp/attributes
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''last_device_mac''] == ''xxxxxxxxxxx''
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json.last_device_longitude is defined }}'
  - data_template:
      dev_id: my_car_id
      - '{{ trigger.payload_json.last_device_latitude }}'
      - '{{ trigger.payload_json.last_device_longitude }}'
      gps_accuracy: 1
      host_name: 'xxxxx'
      mac: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
      source_type: gps
    service: device_tracker.see

Yes, but the snapshot will be local, and passing it as local will work when Ariela is local connected. But when Ariela is external, it will receive a local ip which is not accessible.

I have in plan adding documentation for all sensors in the fallowing days.


:edit: I’ve just realized ariela isn’t for iPhone, duh. Still asking about my OnePlus though.

I’ve been using this app for a week or so now and it’s pretty great.

'I have an issue with setting up sensors using mobile_app. I get duplicates of the sensors, and I haven’t been able to find a solution searching around. Happens with my work iPhone and my OnePlus 6t phone. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Please fallow instructions to remove old integrations

FYI, I tried doing this instead of pressing home, and the worst I’ve seen Ariela use in a day was about 11% rather than a 1/3 of the battery.

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I’ve gone through this, and now I can see device_tracker. but the sensors are still not showing up. U have both Device Tracker, and Device Tracker - Mobile APP turned on in settings, and I’ve gone into the sensor section and selected the ones I want to show.

Hi, got another question
When I disconnect bluetooth device, Ariela sends MQTT as intended. Problem is, when I disable bluetooth on my phone, and then enable it again, it sends last message again (which then leads to wrong device location).
In MQTT options in ariela “retain” option is turned off
Is there another option or reason why when bluetooth turned on it sends last message again or am I doing something wrong?

I will make some changes for today’s update, please let me know if the problem persist.


Version is out.
What’s new:

  • NEW: support for counter entities
  • updated Google libraries
  • fixed map zone radius display issue
  • fixed issue when entities do not appear on map
  • improved HFP / A2DP sensors sending informations
  • fixed crash when retrieving device tracking name
  • do now show group switch if group name is null or empty string
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