Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Yes such option can be very useful. I will see what i can do about this so it can be implemented in the Ariela.

Thx in advance!

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Man, I asked you for this before and you blew me off. Thanks for finally realizing the issue at least.

I was using a python script that set my nfc state value to ‘reset’ 5 mins after it read an NFC tag.

i deleted ariela from my “integrations” page, wanted to start clean again
so enabled back nfc & device tracker
but sensors are not coming back …
also the integration doesnt come back ? the app still loads my web-ui page, and i enabled NFC back
how come the integration doesnt come back ? that one creates the sensors i think

EDIT: uninstalled ariela, and installed it back fro scratch, then integration was back :slight_smile:

Please let us search entitys for notifications and have the option to display both name and state !

I am sorry if i did that. Next time when i do something like that just tell me how stupid i am :slight_smile:

If you do that, you can also use “force mobile_app credenditials” to recreate credentials.

Can you please explain more this so i can fully understand? Thank you.

@lonut I see “add some entities and will display…” in the notifications bar. How can I add entity?


You can add entities in the notification from “Ariela -> Settings-> Notification -> Notification Entities”
Please let me know if works.

Thanks for reply. I add 4 temperature sensors. but in the notification bar. I will only see one. Why? Is that an issue?
btw, how can I add something in the lock screen? thanks

It should show all eventually. What you can do to speed up the process is to restart Ariela.

Ok, I have another strange issue with alarm sensor.

My wife switched her phone to redmi note 7 and now whenever the next alarm is set for any hour after midnight the mobile app sensor in HA shows the alarm set to midnight. I understand that it’s phone (not app) issue but do you have any idea what can be causing it?

I have a huge list of entities and it takes ages to scroll trough all of them for notifications, a quick search bar at the top would be great.

Right now i can only display either name or state of the entity, i got a entity which displays if certain devices are at home so i can see if something is at home or the name of the entity, both useless in itself :wink:

Thank you for the suggestion. I added this to my TODO list.

One quick idea is to check for the apps that might create / modify alarms on the phone.

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Version is out.
What’s new:

  • NEW: device tracker priority setting
  • NEW: Chinese localization
  • NEW: added new “time” attribute to NFC sensor
  • NEW: add the possibility to choose server at startup
  • fixed setup issue when 2FA cannot be processed
  • fixed issue while loading local entity pictures
  • improved server connection while Ariela not running in the background
  • improved server connection with HTTP (not https)
  • fixed issue where device name gets reset
  • improved device tracker wifi mode

Hi everyone,
sadly I somehow lost voice recognition after moving to Ariela Pro.
This setup worked before nicely:

      platform: mqtt
      topic: "homeassistant/voicerecognition/android_myphone_vr/receive"
       # Optional
      payload: 'phrase'
      service: mqtt.publish
        payload_template: 'what to say'
        topic: homeassistant/tts/myphone_tts/tts

And nothing in HA log about receiving MQTT phrase.
Now I see in Ariela new sensorSpeech Recognizer but without help section under …
I tried

topic: "homeassistant/sensor/android_myphone_tts/attributes"

but nothing - in log I see that phrase is received but nothing more.
My guess is that I miss something rather obvious- help needed.
TIA, Reps
P.S. Maybe it it alltogether related to last Android update…

Did you enabled TTS sensor in Ariela -> Sensors?

And another humble feature request:
Ariela header showing Dashboard is uniformative, can it be synced with LovelaceUI name?
What about using two HA server instances (home and cab)- is it possible and how?
TIA, Reps

Yes, checked it already. From HA I can manually send text which is talked back in Ariela. My problem is with triggering with talked text (press mic and talk)- text arrives to HA OK but no response. My guess is that something is wrong with my speech recognition sensor setup- must I use state, attribibute or what for payload?
TIA, Reps

Yes it can be done, i will add this to my TODO list.

Its possibile to have configured multiple servers, but only one active can be.

What is the expected behavior? Do you wish a sound to be made?

How can I configure multiple servers in Ariel app?

The snippet in my previous post worked until the Speech Reconition sensor was added to Ariela.
Now I get from Ariela to HA:

`2019-08-29 11:21:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Transmitting message on homeassistant/sensor/android_reps_p20_pro_tts/attributes: {"icon":"mdi:microphone","state":"elekter"}
2019-08-29 11:21:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on homeassistant/sensor/android_reps_p20_pro_tts/attributes: b'{"icon":"mdi:microphone","state":"elekter"}'
2019-08-29 11:21:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on homeassistant/sensor/android_reps_p20_pro_tts/attributes: b'{"icon":"mdi:microphone","state":"elekter"'

but I find no way to handle it. Previously Ariela played back eg local weather etc. OK
Best regards, Reps