Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Hello all,

Ariela version is out.
What’s new:

  • NEW: Wifi IP address device tracking
  • NEW: add setting to keep MQTT session independent of HA server
  • NEW: add posibility to trigger device tracker updates remotely
  • fixed issue when graphs decimal values are longer
  • fixed issue when graphs values & timestamps are not visible
  • fixed issue when internal IP is not used when home AP its detected
  • small other optimizations

Hi I do not understand how the notification works.

I tested an automation with a notification to the mobile, but no notification on the mobile … do I have to turn on some settings on the app?

- id: '1574858617750'
  alias: Blackout interno 1
  description: ''
  - below: '10'
    entity_id: sensor.volt_generale_interno_1
    platform: numeric_state
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: Attenzione Blackout interno 1
    service: notify.mobile_app_mi9tpro

strange thing is, on HASS on the available notifications are


on Ariela when given the example is


nevertheless with both I do not receive any notification on the phone

Please enable debug mode in Ariela, try to trigger the automation from HA and send me the logs so i can check it out.

maybe because I use Caddy as nginx proxy?

Well no, the notifications doesn’t depend on the proxy you are using.
What you could try:

  1. Delete your phone integration from HA
  2. Restart HA
  3. Open Ariela -> Settings -> Force Mobile app integration
  4. Check again the notifications works

Please let me know if works.

Hello Ionut
sorry for the late reply
I attach a screenshot of the application that wakes up the screen with the use of the proximity sensor.
My idea was to have a tablet with ariela running in full screen mode and when you go there to see the screen the proximity would understand that someone is in front of the screen( 30-40 cm) and then wake up the tablet.

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Fully Kiosk browser does that

Feature request: Would you be able to add support for the custom:bar-card?
It uses less screen real estate than the gauges card. So is great for phone use.

This can be done of course. But not that some phones sensors detects only if distance its less then 10 cm.

Please send me the card link via email and i will add it to my todo list ::smiley:


Will do and thanks for considering it.

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Would it be possible to reduce the update interval to something like 15 secs? I find that 30 is to long to detect going into some zones.

You can use the Updates Position setting to use a lower value and also the priority setting (set to GPS). These settings could improve the detection a lot and better then the update interval.

I find it difficult to understand how these 3 settings fit together

  • Update period - time interval when location should be sent
  • Update position - change in meters at which location updates should be sent
  • Distance between the location -do not send location if the distance from the last location is less

Here are my problems/questions

  • What takes priority between period/position? Suppose I set my update position to X meters and period to Y seconds.

    • If there is a distance change that was < X but >Y seconds have passed, does a location update get sent?
    • If there is a distance change that was > X but < Y second have passed, does a location update get sent?
  • What is the connection between update position and distance between a location?

    • Suppose I set my update position to X meters distance to X+1.
      • Does an update happen when the position changes X meters?
    • Suppose I set my update position to X meters distance to X-1.
      • Does an update happen when the position changes X meters?
  • What is the connection between update time and distance between a location?

    • Suppose I set my distance between location to X and update time to Y.
      • If Y time has passed but I did not move, does an update take place?

if i look at it logically:

update period: always sends update when period has ended.
update position: sends update when position changed more then the setting.

so in your examples:

<X but > Y = update (time past)
>X = update (location changed)  (no matter what Y is at that point)

but update position and distance between location contradict each other.

Documentation of device tracker can be found here Device Tracker – Ariela

Distance between location option its only used in order to NOT send a location update that its less x meters. This option was implemented for the case when you can receive location updates even if you have set some settings for the app, but another app can also trigger some updates and implicitly Ariela receive those too.

The update position its only an identifier that will represent the “accuracy” of the tracking. Lower the value, better the results and possible more battery usage.

Distance between a location means:
Asumming you have X location (previous send location to HA) and Y (new location received by Ariela from GPS and its under processing).
If the distance setting is not 0, Ariela will calculate the distance in meters between X and Y. If the distance calculated is greater the the settings value, then Y will not be send to HA.

Your questions indicates me that those settings needs a better ordering so let me see what i can do about it and i believe a better explanation in that screen :smiley:

Trying to understand the settings within the app to track when on the Wifi home network that it reports Home, Wifi. Then report on when it say GPS when away. Or does it just report GPS at all times even if on Wifi?

Also, how can a picture be added to the badge for tracking? Currently this is done by the following entry in “known_devices.yaml” file.

picture: /local/pictures/person-pic.jpg

If Ariela detects that you are connected on a Wifi network that you assigned as being home (zone.home) then Ariela will ignore any GPS data at this point and inform HA that you are home.
If not current wifi with assigned zone is detected then Ariela sends the GPS location.

You can use entity configuration to put the picture.

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Thank you for amaizing app and quick answers :slight_smile:

I’ve got a question about custom Roku-card. I’ve done some minor changes in UI (in .js file of Roku module). Is it possible to view this changes in Ariela UI?

For example, this is card view, that I changed (some changes in icons and rows):

And this is how it looks in Ariela:

And one more question about roadmap, do you publish it anywhere?
Thank you!

I am glad to hear you like the app :smiley:

Well this is not quite possible for now. If the official card will have these functions implemented (like custom setting a icon for each button) i will highly support this function too.

You can check Issues · MCrissDev/Ariela · GitHub for any issues / features that i want to implement to Ariela. Of course i have some surprises in the near future so please stay tuned :smiley: