Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Well obviously all my feeds are local - so I can’t use those :slight_smile:.
I have tried using stream_source for a local mp4 file on the server.
I have tried using a camera entity from HA.
I have tried using the address for a live feed of a local camera.

All failed.

To try and replicate, here are some random feeds and files I grabbed from the internet.
None of these work either:

I’m a novice, so not sure what is needed/not needed to have this work… but so far I haven’t been able to get anything to work on the stream source, only the URL (yes I remove URL when testing stream source).


Yeah I like the idea :+1:

@Ionut I’m using the notification capture sensor, and it doesn’t seem to consistently update. Does this require nabucasa to always be enabled? seems very inconsistent at best in my testing so far. Thoughts on what I could be testing?

Thank you. I will check it out.

Did you notice when it’s not updating?

Sorta interesting, I’ve been testing this in more detail the last 2 days and I noticed that after I disabled my automations that disconnect/reconnect Nabu Casa when I’m away or home, I’ve noticed that the notification grabber has gotten much more consistent. Don’t know if it’s something you need to look into as it seems like it might be on my end. I appreciate your reply :smiley:

Did this error ever get figured out? I’m seeing a TON of these in my logs:

2020-01-12 15:07:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mobile_app.webhook] Received invalid webhook payload: required key not provided @ data[0]['state']. Got None

That’s very strange. Are you sure the sensors is updated in HA?

Didn’t figured it yet, can you tell me which sensors you have enabled?

Positive, seems to be working much more reliably now.

battery, wifi, call state, screen state, notification grabber all via mobile app


Super app btw.

I’m trying to use the Bluetooth discovered devices for room presence but unfortunately my living room TV is the only devices that is ever in the list. I know for a fact that loads of devices at home including my Google home devices should be in this list as Ive tested them with another app
(ble scanner) which shows rssi and Mac etc.

Where do I go from here?

Have you waited long enough? By default Ariela scan for devices every 1 minute.

Yeah i waited a while but still only the TV would show. When I turned the TV off, the list was empty afterwards.


has anybody problems configuring Ariela on wear os ?
I get stuck in the following screen :


hi where did you get the wear app? it’s not showing up on the playstore. I’ve purchased the main app hoping that would help but still nothing showing up.

You manually installed the apk on the device?

The app should show on your watch when you enter playstore. Could you please check?

Yes I had to manually install it . The appstore isn’t available on the watch yet :frowning:

That apk should not be installed to the watch since its designed for tablets only :slight_smile:
For those who are interested in watch support and do not find the app in the store i will upload tomorrow the apk for the watch here so you can manually install it (note that you will still need Ariela on the phone installed first in order to work).

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Hi Ionut,

Thank a lot :slight_smile:

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sorry i don’t 100% understand. so when i open the playstore it will be displayed on my watch?

edit: nimey where did you get apk to manually install it?

If you open the play store on your watch you should find it.I installed the phone version that I extracted from my phone , but this isn’t working.

Ionut planned to planned to upload the wear os apk here today.


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Thanks for the great app. Is it possible to use basicauth on my external https address? Having HA out in the open feels a bit exposed