Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Please send me the logs from Ariela to check on it.

Please enable debug mode in Ariela, restart the app and use the contact option please in order to send me the logs. Thank you.

Hi @Ionut - first of all, thank you so much for this app, it’s great! I mostly got interested because of location detection - Zanzito seems not maintained, and GPSLogger uses a lot of battery.
I got two suggestions for a next version:

  • Thermostat in auto mode (heat/cool) doesn’t properly show. It shows the setting as 0.0, instead of a separate low point and high point.
  • I’d love a setting on the device tracker such that it doesn’t send an update if the gps accuracy is higher than a certain setting (i.e., if the radius is higher than say 100m). I now often flip-flop being home and away because I get an inaccurate GPS hit while I’m close to home.

Thanks again!

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Thank you , i am glad you like the app.

I will investigate this issue. Can you retrieve some logs and send them to me from Ariela?

I will add this to my TODO list.

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Hello all,
Version is out.
What’s new:

  • add possibility to have Ariela run in background

How to enable this feature: go to Ariela Settings -> Permanent Notification
What are the benefits of this feature:

  • Widgets will work much faster
  • Widgets will update almost instant
  • Device tracking update will also be almost instant
  • possibility of greater battery usage

Please test it and let me know how it works.

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Hi guys is there anyway that I can set an alarm in HA and have this app adjust my actual alarm on my phone? I’ve read about some convoluted ways with tasker and MQTT but even then I’m not entirely surely it’s working the right way round.

Don’t think its possible right now, but maybe it will be possible with Ariela.

Hello all,
Little teaser for today version:
MQTT client build in in Ariela.
Using this, you will be able to send detailed informations from your device like battery, light (or any other available sensor), or other informations like: device is in a call, device playing music etc. There are a lot of things that can be send from the phone device, so please let me know what kind of sensors or other informations you need to be send to HA.

On the today version only battery & light & step counter sensors are implemented. Here are some screenshots:

Hello everybody,

Version is out.
What’s new:

  • fixed issue with climate widget not working
  • when clicking a script widget, the script will start
  • fixed issue when lovelace view title is not set
  • graph for luminance sensors
  • added MQTT client with battery / light / step counter sensors support

Please test it and let me know how it works.

i hope the sensors are auto detected in HA or do you need to add something to the HA config?

The sensors are not autodetected by HA, maybe this could be a future optimization.
When you will click on a sensor for Ariela → Settings → MQTT Sensors it will show you implementation instructions.

thats to bad.
then every time you add something HA needs to be restarted.
i hope you will consider autodetect.
its just a matter of using the right topics and config.

HA restarts should be avoided in every case possible. and it is possible in this case

It don’t really depends on Ariela. From what i know, Home Assistant do not have a custom component that allows to create / add sensors or other types of entities.

Supported by MQTT discovery:

its just a matter of publishing to the right topics.
but autodiscovery in HA must be set on and people can chose a base topic there, so some config on the ariela side should be possible.

you just add sensors, so no component.

Small example of MQTT discovery config topic:
topic: homeassistant/device/sensor/temperature/config

	"name": "Temperature",
	"unique_id": "AABBCCDDEEFF_sensor_temp",
	"device": {
		"identifiers": "AABBCCDDEEFF",
		"connections": [
			["mac", "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"]
		"manufacturer": "XXXX",
		"model": "XXXX",
		"name": "YYYY",
		"sw_version": "Z.ZZZ"
	"icon": "mdi:temperature",
	"state_topic": "homeassistant/device/sensor/temperature/state"

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In call sensor would be great. Imagine the TV pausing if me or my wife get a call!
I’m still not using MQTT but hope to start over Christmas if I get chance.

Didn’t think on that. Thank you very much. The next version will support detection.

I will add this on my TODO list

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I’m hoping its something you can figure out?

Hi Ionut,
I’m experiencing slider freezes when I use the limitless option in my lovelace. This only happens when I use the app.
If I am opening the lovelace ui in any browser it doesn’t happen.

Any ideas?

Yes, an update will be available tomorrow that will enable the MQTT discovery.

Can you tell me what is exacly the limitless option?

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So in the release tomorrow i can send an MQTT message from HA and then set an Alarm clock on my android device?