Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

If it appears then please do this:

  1. Stop HA server.
  2. Delete those entities from that file.
  3. Start HA Server and Ariela.
  4. Check if mobile app is loaded.

I deleted the problematic device, restarted both - and still not seeing notify.mobile_app_phone1.
I then deleted the core.device_registry (after backup :slight_smile: )and restarted. Phone 2 is created, but not phone 1.
Finally, I went into Ariela app and disabled Firebase notification, and restart - still not re-populated.

I appreciate the help!
What else can I try?


Send me the Ariela logs please so i can check if anything wrong from the app side. Thank you.

Logs sent.

I’m using 0.93.1

Try installing / uninstalling the Ariela and tell me if its showing. Also delete all entries from HOMEASSISTANTFOLDER/.storage/core.device_registry file.


Version is out.
What’s new:

  • NEW: added MQTT publish retain option
  • NEW: added option to force the Mobile App integration
  • better compatibility with OS Night Mode

Note: if you use to force the Mobile App integration, do not forget to delete the old entry from HOMEASSISTANTFOLDER/.storage/core.device_registry file.

I got the update and successfully ran the mobile app integration again.
The core.device_registry correctly repopulated.
After restarting HA “notify.mobile_app_phone1” is correctly back in place :slight_smile: .

NOTE: I accidentally clicked the “Force Mobile App credentials” a second time, and got phone 1 in the integrations twice. I simply deleted the second and was fine, but thought I would share that it can create multiple integrations to the same device (instead of replacing).

Now somehow I messed up my device tracking while fiddling with this. It marks me as home when I am connected via VPN from external wifi… this use to correctly set me as away - not sure what I broke. I did confirm that only my home networks are shown in the “Home Wi-Fi Networks” but somehow it is incorrectly showing me home which I am on Guest WiFi’s.

Hopefully I can figure out what I messed up but in case you know of something else to check, I thought I would ask.

Thanks again!

Glad to hear that :smiley:

Indeed this will be the behavior. For the moment this is the best thing i can do for it.

I responded via email to this. Just redo the setup on your wifi and it should work just fine :smiley:

Updated to 0.93.2 (but still Ariela and is there :slight_smile:
Not sure what solved it (I honestly didn’t want to redo Ariela config; I still hope you’ll find time to implement some form of backup/restore :slight_smile: )

Just curious what everyone is using for an MQTT message broker. I’m looking to take advantage of some of the MQTT functions in Ariela and was wondering what others are using before I take the plunge

My system is on a NUC system server - I am using docker for all my applications.
I am using the Eclipse-Mosquitto docker image.
It was very simple to setup, and so far has had zero issues.

To be honest though, from what I have read most brokers are easy to setup and use.


Good day, is it possible to add url to the mobile app notification parameters:

Basically same functionality as here:

Thank you

You mean this: ?
This is the documentation of the Mobile App notifications, and its very similar with the HANotify component.

Yes. Theres no parameter for url, as in html5.
In Html5 the notification carries a url link, which you can click and open the page.

Currently in ariela adding the url points to the ariela webui. If I click the same link in the html5 notification it points to the advertised url.

I understand what you mean. Let me see what i can do about this. Can you share a JSON example you used for html5 notification?

Thank you. I’ll share the automation.

- id: notify_reverse_location
  alias: Notify reverse location
  initial_state: true
  - platform: event
    event_type: places_state_update
  - service_template: notify.juan_group
      title: 'ReverseLocate: {{ }} ({{ }}) {{ }}'
      message: |-
        {{ }} ({{ }}) 
        {{ }}
        {{ }} from home and traveling {{ }}
        {{ }} ({{ }})
        url: '{{ }}'
        hide_thumbnail: false
        icon: https://mydomain/local/travel_time/hass.jpg
        ttl: 86400
        priority: high   

so the notify group contains notify.html_juan and notify.mobile_app_juan_ariela. I get both notifications. In the html5 the url redirects to the url. In the ariela notification it redirects to ariela.

I understand. And i suppose when you click the HTML 5 notification the URL is opened, but in Ariela, the app is opened correct?

Exactly. the ariela notification opens the ariela app.

Thank you, i will see what i can do about this.