Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

thank you for your time.

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Is there any current work being done on the widgets?
I just started looking at them and it only appears that you can change the size.
Is it possible to enable/disable the text at the bottom or the image at the top?

For example, I have a static image that is updated in HA based on events. I don’t want the title/description - just the image. OR my wife wants a sensor value - but not the icon. In both cases, the extra content takes up a lot of screen screen space (basically it doubles the necessary space).

Is this something that can be looked into?
If you would prefer I submit this in Github, I can go create it.


For the moment there is no plan on updating the widgets (didn’t had an idea on what i can do on it). Please create a github issue and i will see what i can do about

Seems that Ariela can send sensors informations without MQTT also :smiley: :



I see with update 0.94 they did some work on the device tracker. They have changed it to an entity instead of using the known_devices.yaml.

After updating, I now have two of each device tracker. I didn’t see anything in the release docs about the “correct” way to fix this. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m not sure if I should remove known_devices.yaml or delete the integrations and recreate them…

Any thoughts?


NOTE: I believe I have mobile_app and FCM_Android both enabled…
Not sure if this would cause this or not since it didn’t happen before 0.94.

I still have some work on Mobile APP sensors (which include mobile app device tracker also). From my tests this works just fine.

So after I got home, I renamed the known_devices.yaml. This removed the duplicates. I guess with the update to device tracking, it is no longer needed?

Once that was removed and HA restarted, I fixed the naming of the entities and then restarted Ariela. Device tracking is now back and working on 0.94.0.


Do I need to do anything special to get Mobile API notifications to work?
Have mobile_app: in the config, and can see the notification.mobile_app_MYDEVICE service, but when using the example from the app, no notifications is received on the device.

Never mind :smiley: For some reason Ariela lacked push notification access on the phone - did work with the firebase prior thou.

Glad to hear its working. HANotify used same principle like mobile app does.

Hello all,

Version of Ariela is available.
What’s new:

  • NEW: support Mobile APP sensors
  • NEW: moved sensors from MQTT to the main settings since sensors aren’t MQTT only now
  • NEW: support opening url in notifications
  • change MQTT dev tool button text to publish
  • change “Mobile API notification” text to “Mobile APP notification”


@robbiet480 thank you very much for developing this cool component.

Note: some sensors are only available to the MQTT but most of them are compatible with mobile app too. Please test it and let me know how it goes.

hello @Kelvin_Sudlow,

i have the same problem :

[custom_components.notify.fcm-android] Error sending message

, how you make it work please?


You can also use mobile_app notifications which are integrated in Ariela. More details you can find here:

Thanks for your response,

i try it : i have before deleting the integration of my phone (and and now i cant find the integration again to go back…need to desinstall/reinstall the app on my phone? need to reinstall

what do you think about?

i have put
in config.yaml, restart hass, but no new integration found…i have no service notify.mobile_app_xxxx available

thanks for your help

In Ariela -> Settings you have a option “Force Mobile App credentials”. Use that option to force creating the integration and the service notify.mobile_app_xxx should appear. Please let me know if works

yes! thanks

but i have no sensor, only gps

i have no notify.mobile_app

Ariela will not going to enable the sensors automatically. You will have to enable each sensor from Ariela -> Settings -> Sensors.

yes now i have notify.mobile_app

i try to send a notif

it works!!!

thanks a lot, i am stuck on fcm-android for a day…lol

thanks again

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Last question, i enable ariela>Settings>MQTT>sensor but nothing append, is there someting more to do? reboot Hass or mobile app?