Ariela - Home Assistant Android Client

Sent log file via the app
App got stuck at some point (never ending refresh), added screenshot of kill app message
And got “Unable to enable Lovelace UI” when tried to enable it
Disconnect didn’t happen in this few minutes, that happens without any schedule, don’t know what to do to reproduce it.

Forgot to mention, when camera resolution is down, I get picture from front camera also

Thank you, i responded on that email.

HI @Ionut, I moved from MQTT to MOBILE_APP and the tracking position is not working. I had to enable both see and mobile app to have sensor and position. It’s an issue or I’m missing something?

I am looking already into this issue

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thank you!

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Where do I find Code Formatter that you mentioned? Is it Ctl Shift C?

Hi Ionut, would it be possible to get a ‘Ignore self-signed certificates’ for the internal IP server connection?

Its not possible to get a legitimate cert for the ‘internal IP’ server address, and my ‘external IP’ server address is a letsencrypt one. It seems everytime I leave and come home, I need to re-accept the message that says its not a valid cert.

Being able to just accept it once, and never be informed again would be good.

If you publish the HA discovery messages ‘retained’ to the MQTT broker then the devices will be remembered in HA after restarts. If you also want the states persistent (based on last value posted to MQTT) then these too must be published ‘retained’ . Otherwise when HA is restarted it gets no auto discovery messages and can’t read state values.

word of warning to those using the “mobile_app sensors” with a pi:

if you enable the constantly changing sensors like the light, notifications, step counter, etc, it will create a lot of churn on the .storage/mobile_app file. I see the file changing every few seconds when I have those sensors enabled. MQTT might be a better option for sensors that change frequently.


Version is out.
What’s new:

  • updated Dutch localization
  • allow opening web links from entity current state
  • start camera streaming when clicking picture entity card and entity is camera
  • force device tracker update when enabling
  • now mobile_app device tracker can update even if Ariela is stopped
  • add default_view when missing in states UI
  • NEW: support all weather entities in states UI
  • NEW: create Lovelace from states UI when HA server reports no config
  • device_tracker WiFi reports source type as “router”
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How does that work? If ariela is stopped how can it report your location to he assistant?

Ariela will receive the location update via receiver and from that receiver using mobile_app will send the update.

Hello Ionut!

does that mean i can have my image in the notification?

Not yet perhaps…i cant wait for it lol

How much is your Pro version? i cant buy it “not available in your country” on the play store…

Thanks for your reply


Next version will have this feature.

Its about 4 euro. I am sorry you can’t purchase. Which country you are are?

cool! i wait…

Reunion Island…its France but 11 000Kms away… :wink:

Very cheap…Is there a way to paid on a paypal account and you send me an apk or something like that?

We can do that, but installing it outside playstore means no updates.

Yes, its not good…

And i cant not wait your next update :wink:

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Version is out.
What’s new:

  • updated google libraries
  • NEW: added force_image notification parameter
  • Android Wear connection improvements
  • small other fixes

Please test it and let me know how it goes.

Hello Ionut!

yes!!! so i have to use “force_image” instead of “image” extra parameter?

I dont find any update on google play…have to wait a little i think…the last is 18 june, yeterday…


under the “lovelace ui” view in Arielai i have to manually refresh the page for camera card to update. i also get a blank screen when clicking on the card. it probably depends on how our web proxy/ssl are set up.

it works better if you switch to use the “web ui” view in Ariela. camera cards will work almost like normal… with a slight bug mentioned below.

i configured my cameras cards to use “stream 1” which is a preview/low resolution stream set to near vga resolutions so it consumes very little data. it works just fine for quick peek via HA while on mobile data.

there is a slight bug with the video interface inside of Ariela however. somehow the “maximize/full screen” button (lower right corner while video stream is playing) is grayed out/disabled while playing video inside of Ariela interface. it works fine if i pull up the HA interface via browser.

… this is under the “web UI” view btw. it should give me pretty much the same lovelace ui view as via browser?