Ariston Group integration via eBusd

That’s normal, there are many undecoded messages on the bus.
The reasons are numerous:

  • meaning not known
  • meaning known but decoded via other similar messages
  • meaning known but not useful

Ebusd standard logging settings trace every unknown message as an error, you can either ignore the logs or lower the logging settings to avoid tracing the errors, before you ask I don’t know how to do it wit ebusd run as a HAOS addon :slight_smile:

Do you have any experience with non-WiFi boilers if they can be connected via eBUS?
I have Ariston Nuos Evo + 110 and there is neither WiFi nor even a port marked BUS on the PCB. There is only a SERIAL rj12 port and a communication interface (5v level) between the HMI and the motherboard.
Thanks in advance.

I have not experience on that kind of boiler, if on the manuals is not present the BusBridgenet protocol I think that this integration is not supported. The absence of the bus port is an indication of the use of other technologies to implement dialog between boiler and remote control.

I’m sorry but I think I can’t help…

Hi All!
I’m trying to figure out how to read the current status of my heat pump boiler via eBus, but seem to be stuck…

My setup so far (I tried putting in as much information as I can, to maybe help others figuring this out):
My heat pump boiler: Ariston Nuos plus Wifi 200 (boiler only, so no thermostat or anything else attached to the bus)
Connected the eBus to Daniel Kucera’s ‘Ebus to WiFi adapter module’
Installed LukasGrebe’s ha-addon for john30’s ebusd
Configured that to use mode ‘enh’ and network adapter ‘’
Added Config path: ‘/config/ebusd-config’
Set the log level for all messages to ‘debug’
(You have to enable ‘Show unused optional configuration options’ to reach some settings)
I retrieved wrongisthenewwright’s config files and put ‘ariston.csv’ and ‘_templates.csv’ in the ‘/config/ebusd-config/‘ folder on my home assistant filesystem.
Started the ha-addon for ebusd and checked the logfile.
Values where coming in, but all of them like this:
[update info] received BC cmd: 77fe201008d69a0100c29a0000
[update notice] received unknown BC cmd: 77fe201008d69a0100c29a0000

I started exploring more, and found this procedure to run the ebusctl command:
Via plugin ‘advanced ssh & web terminal’ I went to a terminal with root-access in home assistant, there I executed this:
docker exec -it docker ps | grep ebusd | awk '{print $1}' /bin/bash
Once inside the docker-container, I started exploring the messages that came in via ‘ebusctl grab result all’. I was confused by the result, because it adds ‘= [number]’ after each line, like this:
77fe200e08612626029001bc02 = 50
And at first I thought this was somehow the value that was read from that message, but I later found out that it meant that the message was seen 50 times…

After a lot of fiddling with the Ariston.csv I was able to get it to understand 1 value via this definition:
r,dhw,dhw_set_temp,DHW set temp,77,fe,2010,6147,s,U3N,10,°C,
[update info] received BC cmd: 77fe2010096147260200d7460200
[update notice] received read dhw dhw_set_temp: 55.0
[mqtt debug] publish ebusd/dhw/dhw_set_temp {
“0”: {“name”: “”, “value”: 55.0}}
Which actually arrived in home assistant!

Now (finally) my question:
I have a really hard time understanding the message-definition-format in the csv.
For example these two messages:
The first means the boiler started heating, the second means it stopped.
I think I sort of understand the message, breaking it down:
77 = sender, fe = receiver (all), 2010 = message category (PBSB), 08 = length of master data (not sure what this means), d69a ‎ = message ID(?), and the rest is the data
But then I don’t know how to create the definition in the csv-file?

I also have been trying to find value which gives me the current temperature of the boiler. I have tried two ways:

  1. ebusctl grab result decode | grep =45
    To find a message which is decoded to 45 (the temperature at the time of testing)
  2. By looking at the messages the boiler is sending when heating up
    However: I can’t seem to find any messages which have the same PBSB and Message ID, and slowly changing data?
    Maybe the boiler needs to be asked via bus what that temperature is?

Any help here would be appreciated. And thank to everybody who has created the separate component mentioned above!


Hi @alwik very good job on your reverse engineering.
It seems that you were able to interface a NUOS HP/boiler, can you share where the bus port is? I answered few days ago to @allbeq that NUOS was probably not manageable by ebusd but it seems I was wrong.

For your 2 questions:

  1. ebusctl grab result decode | grep =45
    To find a message which is decoded to 45 (the temperature at the time of testing)

I don’t know why but grep doesn’t like ebuscl grab result decode output, you can either
use the -a flag to force grep to treat the output as a text file:

ebusctl grab result decode | grep -a =450

Bridgenet messages usually report temps as integer multiplied by 10 so always search for that multiple. Eg. 45°C=450, 21,5°C = 215 etc.
The other option is to dump the message decode to a text file then grep it

ebusctl grab result decode > message_dump_decoded.txt
grep -a =450 message_dump_decoded.txt
  1. By looking at the messages the boiler is sending when heating up
    However: I can’t seem to find any messages which have the same PBSB and Message ID, and slowly changing data?
    Maybe the boiler needs to be asked via bus what that temperature is

It can be that the data is not transmitted on the bus. Can you share the output of this command? It should not containt any sensitive data:

ebusctl grab result all

the other option is to open a telnet connection to ebusd and dump in realtime what is passing on the bus

telnet ebusd_host_ip_address 8888 | tee -a ebusd_direct.log

and then when connected to ebusd write “direct” and the dump should start (to stop it insert the “stop” command while the dump is running)

while at the same time ask for that specific parameter from your thermostat/remote command.

Hi @wrongisthenwright, thank you for your help and quick reply!

About the question of the bus: There are 2 different heat pump boilers: @allbeq has the ‘Ariston Nuos’ and I have the ‘Ariston Nuos plus WiFi’, which has both WiFi and the e-bus. (The connection is next to the power-input). The older one only has an RS485-port (see also:

The grep-command did seem to work for me in the normal way, I could grep other numbers without problems! I tried again, just to be sure, but the ‘-a’ didn’t make a difference.
Here is the data I get from ‘ebusctl grab result all’. (I have combined multiple grab’s and removed the ‘ = ??’ Part at the end and removed duplicates to make the list shorter and easier to read).

You mention this: “while at the same time ask for that specific parameter from your thermostat/remote command.”.
As it is a boiler, I don’t need/have an external thermostat. I can view the current temperature on the display, or via the app, but viewing them doesn’t make the data visible on the bus I think. I think I have to find some way to ‘ask’ this on the bus via ebusd.

1 Like

Ok, thanks for the clarifications on the various Nuos models.
As per your question I think that these are the addresses of your devices:
77 is the master address of the Nuos
7C is it’s slave address (0x77 + 0x05)

I’d need the complete message dump ( with the "=XXX part, so non cleaned/deduped) this is necessary to find the most commonly used messages and usingo those to decode the various parameters, this will give you mor granular updates.

For direct read you should use these lines (7c instead of 18 as slave address):

r,energymgr,dhw_comfort_temp,DHW Comfort Temp,,7c,2000,6126,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,energymgr,dhw_economy_temp,DHW Economy Temp,,7c,2000,6226,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,energymgr,dhw_comfort_mode,DHW Comfort Mode,,7c,2000,c028,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,BCD,0=off;1=timed;2=always_on
r,energymgr,dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode,DHW Thermal Cleansing Function,,7c,2000,0b20,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,onoff

then try a simple
ebusctl read -m 0 -c energymgr dhw_comfort_temp
to see if you can read the setting.

I’ll try to see if I can map the buffer related messages, (various temp probes on the buffer) I haven’t one in my system so I may be able to produce some CSV line but you’ll have to make some test.

ok, @alwik ,
if the previous lines are now functioning you can try to read the NUOS internal temp with this line

r,energymgr,dhw_store_temp,DHW Storage Water Temp,,7c,2000,7017,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,SIN,10,°C

and see what happens.

If that line doesn’t work I’ll try to see if some buffer/puffer related commands are applicable to the NUOS.

Well, I posted in the wrong topic, so here I am: Thanks for the reply. I use the ariston.csv and it is great for most part. The only thing (that is blocking me calculating the COP) is that this “heatpump mode” only shows “Cooling_rating” and no other states. How can this happen?

If I try to read the heatpump_mode, I get a “ERR: invalid position in decode”

Hi @wrongisthenwright ,
Thanks again for your help!

I have added 5 lines to ariston.cfg (which by the way is mostly empty, because I started over, should I use your original one and add these lines?)

It could take a while before I get something, but in the meantime let me show you the output of ebusctl find -d -v (might be useful for something?)

dhw dhw_set_temp = =55.0
dhw timer_prog_10_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_11_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_12_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_13_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_14_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_1_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_2_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_3_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_4_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_5_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_6_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_7_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
dhw timer_prog_8_day_part_2 = =55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
dhw timer_prog_9_day_part_1 = =55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55
scan.7c = (ERR: invalid position for 317c070400 / 00)

Also now the unedited output of ‘ebusctl grab result all’:

317c070400 / 00 = 1: scan.7c
77fe2001026126 = 97
77fe200406ff0000ae017c = 1919
77fe200e08612626029001bc02 = 97
77fe201008d69a0100c29a0000 = 34709
77fe201008da46aa00d3f20000 = 6941
77fe20200c0220010b20010f2000c02802 = 96
77fe20200c7d265802712b60277e2b0000 = 96
77fe20200bca2ab46126260262269a01 = 96
77fe2038050077000708 = 289
77fe20380501aa070708 = 263
77fe2038050277000708 = 290
77fe203b017c = 579
77fe20500b0000080e00000000000000 = 491
77fe20500b0100080d00000000000000 = 14
77fe20500b0500080e00000000000000 = 15
77fe20500b1500080d00000000000000 = 14
77fe20500b4055080d00000000000000 = 14
77fe20500b5055080e00000000000000 = 16
77fe20500b5455080d00000000000000 = 14
77fe20500b5555080600000000000000 = 796
77fe207007000f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007010f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007020f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007030f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007040f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007050f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007060f0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007070f0b0c031801 = 146
77fe207007080e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007090e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070a0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070b0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070c0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070d0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070e0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070070f0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007100e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007110e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007120e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007130e0b0c031801 = 143
77fe207007140e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007150e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007160e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007170e0b0c031801 = 143
77fe207007180e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007190e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070071a0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070071b0e0b0c031801 = 143
77fe2070071c0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070071d0e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe2070071e0e0b0c031801 = 142
77fe2070071f0e0b0c031801 = 141
77fe207007200e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007210e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007220e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007230e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007240e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007250e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007260e0b0c031801 = 144
77fe207007270e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007280e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007290e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072a0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072b0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072c0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072d0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072e0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070072f0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007300e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007310e0b0c031801 = 146
77fe207007320e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007330e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007340e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007350e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007360e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007370e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe207007380e0b0c031801 = 146
77fe207007390e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070073a0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe2070073b0e0b0c031801 = 147
77fe20710700000000000000 = 577
77fe20510e0007550000000000000000000055 = 73: dhw timer_prog_1_day_part_1
77fe20510e0107550000000000000000000055 = 80: dhw timer_prog_3_day_part_1
77fe20510e0207550000000000000000000055 = 79: dhw timer_prog_5_day_part_1
77fe20510e0307550000000000000000000055 = 80: dhw timer_prog_7_day_part_1
77fe20510e0407550000000000000000000055 = 80: dhw timer_prog_9_day_part_1
77fe20510e0507550000000000000000000055 = 73: dhw timer_prog_11_day_part_1
77fe20510e0607550000000000000000000055 = 79: dhw timer_prog_13_day_part_1
77fe20510e1007555555555555555555555555 = 103: dhw timer_prog_2_day_part_2
77fe20510e1107555555555555555555555555 = 103: dhw timer_prog_4_day_part_2
77fe20510e1207555555555555555555555555 = 104: dhw timer_prog_6_day_part_2
77fe20510e1307555555555555555555555555 = 104: dhw timer_prog_8_day_part_2
77fe20510e1407555555555555555555555555 = 104: dhw timer_prog_10_day_part_2
77fe20510e1507555555555555555555555555 = 102: dhw timer_prog_12_day_part_2
77fe20510e1607555555555555555555555555 = 104: dhw timer_prog_14_day_part_2
77fe2010096147260200d7460200 = 6941: dhw dhw_set_temp

I’ll give an update if anything changes in the next couple of hours!

Ok, it seems that NUOS treat messages way differently from a “normal” boiler that do DHW and CH.
I don’t hav much time now to reverse engineer all the codes, not having a NUOS is a little “problem” :slight_smile:

these lines should be functioning, you can add these to your “minimal” csv and see if ebusd accept them or throw some errors (haven’t tested them):

r,energymgr,dhw_comfort_temp,DHW Comfort Temp,,7c,2000,6126,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
b,energymgr,dhw_comfort_temp,DHW Comfort Temp,,fe,200e,6126,,s,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
w,energymgr,dhw_comfort_temp,DHW Comfort Temp,,fe,2020,6126,,s,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,energymgr,dhw_economy_temp,DHW Economy Temp,,7c,2000,6226,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#b,energymgr,dhw_economy_temp,DHW Economy Temp,,fe,200e,6226,,s,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
w,energymgr,dhw_economy_temp,DHW Economy Temp,,fe,2020,6226,,s,SIN,10,°C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,energymgr,dhw_comfort_mode,DHW Comfort Mode,,7c,2000,c028,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,BCD,0=off;1=timed;2=always_on
#b,energymgr,dhw_comfort_mode,DHW Comfort Mode,,fe,200e,c028,,s,BCD,0=off;1=timed;2=always_on
w,energymgr,dhw_comfort_mode,DHW Comfort Mode,,fe,2020,c028,,s,BCD,0=off;1=timed;2=always_on
r,energymgr,dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode,DHW Thermal Cleansing Function,,7c,2000,0b20,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,onoff
#b,energymgr,dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode,DHW Thermal Cleansing Function,,fe,200e,0b20,,s,onoff
w,energymgr,dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode,DHW Thermal Cleansing Function,,fe,2020,0b20,,s,onoff
b|w,energymgr,dhw_status,DHW Status,,fe,2020,0220,,s,onoff

as you see a couple are commented as it seems the nuos send these parameters not “alone” but embed them in other messages, these can be decoded but it will take me some time.

I haven’t been able to see at first sight the sensor/code for the actual temp of the water.
You can try to see when the display shows a temp that can be caracteristic (not the comfort or economy setpoint temps) and see if you can find it via ebusctl grab all decode.

Hope it helps

could you post here the output of:

ebusctl grab result all | grep ca46

and, if feasible here, the result of

ebusctl grab result all

it seems there is an error on interpreting the message. What kind of HP do you have? Any other device on the bus?

I put them in, and reloaded config files via ‘ebusctl reload’.
It doesn’t really seem to understand them:
ebusctl find -d -v

energymgr dhw_comfort_mode = (ERR: invalid position for 317c200002c028 / 0100)
energymgr dhw_comfort_temp = (ERR: invalid position for 317c2000026126 / 0100)
energymgr dhw_economy_temp = (ERR: invalid position for 317c2000026226 / 0100)
energymgr dhw_store_temp = (ERR: invalid position for 317c2000027017 / 0100)
energymgr dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode = (ERR: invalid position for 317c2000020b20 / 0100)
scan.7c = (ERR: invalid position for 317c070400 / 00)

Ok, sorry, it seems the boiler doesn’t answer to direct queries.
Can you post the result of ebusct info

ebusctl info

version: ebusd 23.2.p20230716
update check: version 24.1 available
device:, enhanced
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 58
max symbol rate: 381
min arbitration micros: 1
max arbitration micros: 345
min symbol latency: 0
max symbol latency: 60
scan: finished
reconnects: 0
masters: 2
messages: 6
conditional: 0
poll: 5
update: 0
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
address 77: master #19
address 7c: slave #19, scanning

Nice! I have more or less the same boiler @alwik has: ENERGION NUOS PLUS 200-3069809 | ATAG Verwarming

I wrote a small python script to extract the codes from the AddOn logs and these are the codes it couldn’t resolve:


It would be nice to make something out of them :wink:

es, I can! I appreciate your help a lot!

root@ebusd:/# ebusctl grab result all | grep ca46

311e20000872177317ca466247 / 080fefff1b03030000 = 48: heatpump compressor_info2
7f1e200002ca46 / 020103 = 473
3118200002ca46 / 0100 = 71: heatpump heatpump_mode
101e200004d140ca46 / 03030103 = 828
3718200004c0f2ca46 / 020107 = 5991
371e200004ca46c0f2 / 03030301 = 6061
7f1e2000047117ca46 / 0403f40003 = 4
7f1e2000047c4fca46 / 0403000103 = 2
3118200004d140ca46 / 0201ff = 54: heatpump heatpump_info

The “ebusctl grab result all” result:

7ffe20380503c8060708 = 2519: broadcast bus_control
37fe20500b0040090c00000000000000 = 2313: ignored ign5
10fe2070070c0b0c0c041801 = 3454: broadcast cast_date
311e20000872177317ca466247 / 080ff0ff4b03030000 = 49: heatpump compressor_info2
311e2000087610771079107117 / 090fb8018601f9ff7701 = 52: heatpump coolat_data
313c200008681069106547409d / 090f8e01650100000000 = 45: boiler water_flow_info
37fe200406ff000097073c = 75: energymgr error
00fe203a011e = 6814
00fe203a012b = 6825
10fe2000024ffd = 116
10fe2000026047 = 3
10fe200006c5f8c6f8c3f8 = 2696
10fe200002ccf7 = 2624
10fe200002d346 = 491
10fe2001026126 = 38
10fe2001026271 = 39
10fe201005489d2f0100 = 576
10fe203b0115 = 231
10fe2052060110ffffffff = 115
10fe207107003b1717061800 = 231
70fe2000021023 = 4
70fe2000026996 = 82
70fe200004c1946996 = 489
70fe200004d1f20120 = 4
70fe200002d2f2 = 4
70fe200004db897647 = 4
70fe2001020520 = 38
70fe2001026271 = 38
70fe200102c679 = 38
70fe200f057118b40000 = 513
70fe2010057118b40000 = 579
70fe202003099000 = 1159
70fe203b0175 = 231
70fe207309000000000000000001 = 1023
70fe207309b40000160b0c180101 = 135
03fe20100409160000 = 2759
03fe2010100a9200000b9200000c9200000d920000 = 116
03fe2010040e920000 = 115
03fe201008c79a000009920000 = 13792
03fe203b011e = 230
03fe203b012b = 230
13fe200e050120010001 = 408
13fe200e050220010001 = 409
13fe200e050520010001 = 445
13fe200e051b23000001 = 2
13fe200e08612658025e018a02 = 838
13fe200e086271b90064002c01 = 1383
13fe200e086371820064002c01 = 951
13fe200e0864710000baff4600 = 430
13fe200e086571c800c8009001 = 502
13fe200e08692e9001c800bc02 = 353
13fe200e086e8f5e01c8009001 = 352
13fe200e087071460046007800 = 151
13fe200e0875710000e7ff1900 = 38
13fe200e05c679030003 = 638
13fe200e05d479010019 = 353
13fe200e05d62c000002 = 355
13fe200f1001910100029100000391000004910000 = 3020
13fe200f1002910000039100000491000005910000 = 8
13fe200f0d05910000069100006996b90000 = 2656
13fe200f0e069100006996af00006a96be0000 = 8
13fe200f0409900000 = 209
13fe200f0410230000 = 4
13fe200f054ffd000000 = 117
13fe200f056047900100 = 634
13fe200f0f619790010062975e01006397440200 = 137
13fe200f0f62975e010063974402006497440200 = 134
13fe200f0f639744020064974402006597440200 = 127
13fe200f0f649744020065974402006697440200 = 218
13fe200f0a65974402006697440200 = 144
13fe200f056697440200 = 141
13fe200f0f6c96be00006d96be00006e96be0000 = 157
13fe200f0a6d96be00006e96be0000 = 2347
13fe200f056e96be0000 = 181
13fe200f05759eff7f00 = 17
13fe200f0a76471b00006697440200 = 22
13fe200f0579c0b90000 = 347
13fe200f09c19402006996b90000 = 488
13fe200f0cc5f80000c6f80000c3f80000 = 2683
13fe200f04ccf70100 = 2690
13fe200f08d1f20b0001200100 = 4
13fe200f04d2f20800 = 4
13fe200f04d3460000 = 490
13fe200f09db89010076471e0000 = 4
13fe20100c041f0000051f0000061f0000 = 87
13fe2010080591000006910000 = 89
13fe20100a60479001006197900100 = 543
13fe2010096147500000d7460000 = 91
13fe20100f639744020064974402006597440200 = 89
13fe20100a644700000042f7182f00 = 88
13fe2010056697440200 = 88
13fe2010096996af0000d9940100 = 4
13fe20100e6a96be0000c39402006b96be0000 = 90
13fe20100e6d96be0000c69402006e96be0000 = 89
13fe2010056f171f0000 = 349
13fe20100a759eff7f00769e860100 = 88
13fe201005769e850100 = 2186
13fe20100dc19402006996b90000c2940200 = 89
13fe20100dc49402006c96be0000c5940200 = 177
13fe201010c9c12f00cac10000cbc10000ccc10000 = 237
13fe201008cdf86400dcf20000 = 205
13fe201010d3460000cf9c0000d9950000da950000 = 179
13fe20100dd99c0000ccf70100649f5a0000 = 183
13fe201008da9ca000daf20200 = 229
13fe201010db950000dc950000dd950000de950000 = 88
13fe201008dc46a000d2f20800 = 114
13fe201008dd940000de940000 = 89
13fe201008de46a000d1f20b00 = 116
13fe201010dff70000c0f80000c1f80000c2f80000 = 90
13fe202009012001d02a02d12a00 = 38
13fe20200c028401028501028601088100 = 76
13fe20200b0684007074460071747800 = 38
13fe20200a088600d68904708a0500 = 78
13fe202009098600c02f00c12f00 = 75
13fe20200c0a83000a84000a85000a8600 = 38
13fe2020091b23001f2300188800 = 38
13fe20200a412f0000d87900d97900 = 39
13fe20200e4ffd000050fdfd00c7f800c8f800 = 2646
13fe20200c607558026175c80064750000 = 38
13fe20200c6174c8006474000065749001 = 37
13fe20200a637682000f2300102300 = 116
13fe20200b64263200c679036271b900 = 39
13fe20200c657590016675bc026775c800 = 38
13fe20200c6672c2016772c80069720000 = 114
13fe20200c672e3200682e9001692e9001 = 38
13fe20200c697100006a713c006b710000 = 154
13fe20200c6a2e0000752eb4006f8f3200 = 114
13fe20200a6c710000c07902c27902 = 114
13fe20200b6e8f5e016d8fe600d12c01 = 39
13fe20200c707546007175780072759600 = 38
13fe20200a718a1e000a81010a8200 = 150
13fe20200c727496007374460074744600 = 75
13fe20200c737546007475460075750000 = 76
13fe20200c747646007576000076761900 = 75
13fe20200b7574000076741900068500 = 76
13fe20200b7675190006860070764600 = 75
13fe20200b7976c8007a762c01ce7900 = 234
13fe20200a7c8e9cffdb8901d07902 = 38
13fe20200a7e2b0001d38d00d92a01 = 38
13fe20200cc07e01c27e0ac97e00008601 = 76
13fe20200ac979000081006072c201 = 114
13fe20200cce7e00028101028201028301 = 39
13fe20200cd07e00d17e00d27e00d37e00 = 75
13fe20200cd17d00d27d00d37d00098500 = 76
13fe20200cd27c00d37c00098400d07d00 = 38
13fe20200cd37b00098300d07c00d17c00 = 38
13fe20200cd47d00d57d02d67d01d47e00 = 78
13fe202009d57e02d67e01c48f01 = 78
13fe20200cd67b01d47c00d57c02d67c01 = 78
13fe202006da7e46db7e0a = 270
13fe203b0118 = 229
37fe2000026047 = 209
37fe2001026126 = 38
37fe2001026471 = 38
37fe2001026571 = 152
37fe2001027071 = 151
37fe2001027571 = 39
37fe20100c0c1900000d1900000e190000 = 116
37fe20100573102d0000 = 575
37fe201004d7420200 = 2760
37fe201004daf60000 = 13797
37fe203b013c = 231
37fe20520c010e82f8004b3864b84bffff = 690
37fe2052062107ffffffff = 58
37fe20520cc10110ff0057365cb057ffff = 58
7ffe2000080191029103910491 = 3028
7ffe2000080291039104910591 = 8
7ffe200006059106916996 = 2669
7ffe200006069169966a96 = 8
7ffe2000020990 = 207
7ffe2000026047 = 421
7ffe200006619762976397 = 137
7ffe200006629763976497 = 133
7ffe200006639764976597 = 129
7ffe200006649765976697 = 219
7ffe20000465976697 = 144
7ffe2000026697 = 143
7ffe2000026996 = 791
7ffe2000066a966b966c96 = 2502
7ffe2000066b966c966d96 = 100
7ffe2000066c966d966e96 = 158
7ffe2000046d966e96 = 2339
7ffe2000026e96 = 184
7ffe2000027118 = 516
7ffe200002759e = 17
7ffe2000027647 = 633
7ffe20000279c0 = 348
7ffe200002ccf7 = 69
7ffe2001020120 = 408
7ffe2001020220 = 406
7ffe2001020520 = 409
7ffe2001020f23 = 407
7ffe2001021b23 = 2
7ffe2001026126 = 765
7ffe2001026271 = 1308
7ffe2001026371 = 953
7ffe2001026471 = 391
7ffe2001026571 = 352
7ffe200102692e = 355
7ffe2001026e8f = 354
7ffe200102c028 = 392
7ffe200102c679 = 598
7ffe200102d479 = 355
7ffe200102d62c = 355
7ffe20100976171c0000c19a0700 = 574
7ffe2020030a9000 = 1155
7ffe2020030b9000 = 1157
7ffe2020030c9000 = 1156
7ffe2020030d9000 = 1155
7ffe2020030e9000 = 1157
7ffe203b0184 = 231
7ffe207309000000000000000005 = 5784
13fe200e050f23000001 = 409: energymgr cooling_status
13fe200e05c028000002 = 388: energymgr dhw_comfort_mode
13fe200f056996b90000 = 878: energymgr z1_setpoint_temp
13fe200f0f6a96be00006b96be00006c96be0000 = 2490: energymgr z2_setpoint_temp
13fe200f0f6b96be00006c96be00006d96be0000 = 97: energymgr z3_setpoint_temp
13fe200f0576471f0000 = 611: energymgr ext_temp
13fe20100f6047900100619790010062975e0100 = 88: energymgr hybrid_LWT_setpoint
37fe201010c04b0100091900000a1900000b190000 = 13745: boiler boiler_status
13fe20200c6126580262265e017d265802 = 38: energymgr dhw_info_3
10182000027547 / 0301ff7f = 5559
1018200002c328 / 020100 = 32
101e200002d140 / 020101 = 6083
103c2000020e22 / 020100 = 32
103c200002d69c / 020100 = 7
7018200002c74b / 0100 = 2760
132b2000020916 / 020100 = 211
133c2000020182 / 020101 = 38
133c2000026810 / 03018401 = 376
133c200002de9c / 020100 = 2758
1375200002489d / 0100 = 39
13fe20101001910100029100000391000004910000 = 96: energymgr heat_request
13fe2010056996b90000 = 21: energymgr setpoint_temp
13fe20200c6176c8006476000065769001 = 37: energymgr day_temp_settings
3718200002c0f2 / 020107 = 10
37842000020488 / 020101 = 38
7f1820000240d1 / 03011c03 = 2
7f182000024ed1 / 03011300 = 2
7f1820000256d1 / 03010000 = 17
7f182000025bd1 / 03010000 = 17
7f1820000274fd / 03019301 = 102
7f18200002c74b / 0100 = 116
7f18200002d4f7 / 020101 = 2
7f182001020320 / 03000001 = 349
7f18200102c628 / 03000002 = 352
7f18200102c92a / 03010105 = 347
7f18200102cc2a / 03070008 = 354
7f18200102d32a / 03000008 = 351
7f18200102db8d / 03000008 = 354
7f18200102dc8d / 03000008 = 352
7f1e20000247d1 / 03010400 = 2
7f1e2000027117 / 03017701 = 125
7f1e2000027810 / 03011e00 = 35
7f1e200002ca46 / 020103 = 479
7f1e200002cb9c / 020133 = 2
7f3c2000026810 / 03018701 = 101
31182000020081 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_heat_temp_range
31182000020082 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z2_heat_temp_range
31182000020083 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z3_heat_temp_range
31182000020191 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_heat_request
31182000020291 / 0100 = 49: energymgr z2_heat_request
31182000020320 / 020100 = 50: heatpump silent_mode
31182000020323 / 0100 = 51: energymgr hv_inv_3_mean
31182000020391 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z3_heat_request
31182000020601 / 020101 = 52: heatpump heatpump_3way_valve_dhw_heat
31182000020681 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z1_cool_temp_range
31182000020682 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z2_cool_temp_range
31182000020683 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z3_cool_temp_range
31182000020701 / 020100 = 52: heatpump heatpump_3way_valve_heat_cool
31182000020781 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z1_summer_winter_auto_switch
31182000020782 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z2_summer_winter_auto_switch
31182000020783 / 0100 = 47: energymgr z3_summer_winter_auto_switch
31182000020b20 / 0100 = 53: energymgr dhw_thermal_cleansing_mode
31182000020d23 / 020100 = 52: energymgr protech_anode
31182000021023 / 0100 = 48: energymgr cooling_available
31182000021803 / 020100 = 51: energymgr energymgr_aux1_out
31182000021823 / 020101 = 51: energymgr pump_antiblock
31182000021903 / 020100 = 52: heatpump heatpump_anode
31182000021a03 / 020100 = 51: energymgr energymgr_aux2_out
31182000021a11 / 020100 = 49: heatpump heatpump_safety_thermostat
31182000021c11 / 020100 = 51: energymgr energymgr_hv_inv_2_status
31182000021c22 / 0100 = 53: energymgr heat_mode
31182000021c45 / 0100 = 53: heatpump heatpump_electric_heater
7f182000041d11d4f7 / 03030001 = 399: energymgr energymgr_hv_inv_1_status
31182000021e11 / 020100 = 53: energymgr energymgr_aux1_input
31182000021f11 / 020101 = 52: energymgr energymgr_hv_inv_3_status
3118200002602b / 0100 = 53: heatpump boost_time
31182000026047 / 0100 = 51: energymgr hybrid_LWT_setpoint
31182000026071 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z1_heat_water_max_temp
31182000026072 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_heat_water_max_temp
31182000026073 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_heat_water_max_temp
31182000026126 / 0100 = 53: energymgr dhw_comfort_temp
31182000026171 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_heat_water_min_temp
31182000026172 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z2_heat_water_min_temp
31182000026173 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_heat_water_min_temp
31182000026226 / 0100 = 49: energymgr dhw_economy_temp
31182000026271 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z1_day_temp
31182000026272 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z2_day_temp
31182000026273 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z3_day_temp
31182000026371 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_night_temp
31182000026372 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_night_temp
31182000026373 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z3_night_temp
31182000026426 / 0100 = 51: energymgr antifreeze_temp
3118200002642b / 03018400 = 53: energymgr gas_cost
31182000026471 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_heat_offset
31182000026472 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z2_heat_offset
31182000026473 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z3_heat_offset
3118200002652b / 03012c01 = 53: energymgr electric_cost
31182000026571 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z1_heat_setpoint_temp_set
31182000026572 / 0100 = 48: energymgr z2_heat_setpoint_temp_set
31182000026573 / 0100 = 48: energymgr z3_heat_setpoint_temp_set
3118200002662b / 03012c01 = 52: energymgr pv_electric_cost
3118200002682b / 03019600 = 50: energymgr gas_electric_energy_ratio
31182000026996 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_setpoint_temp
31182000026a71 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_heat_slope
31182000026a72 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z2_heat_slope
31182000026a73 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_heat_slope
31182000026a96 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_setpoint_temp
31182000026b96 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_setpoint_temp
31182000026c47 / 03016000 = 52: energymgr heatpump_calculated_cost
7f182000027017 / 0301ff7f = 456: energymgr dhw_store_temp
31182000027071 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_cool_setpoint_temp_set
31182000027072 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_cool_setpoint_temp_set
31182000027073 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z3_cool_setpoint_temp_set
31182000027117 / 0100 = 52: heatpump heatpump_condenser_outlet_temp
31182000027118 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_room_temp
31182000027126 / 03015e01 = 53: energymgr boiler_disable_ext_temp_threshold
31182000027147 / 03018a00 = 52: energymgr boiler_calculated_cost
31182000027171 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z1_cool_water_max_temp
31182000027172 / 0100 = 49: energymgr z2_cool_water_max_temp
31182000027173 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z3_cool_water_max_temp
31182000027217 / 0100 = 53: heatpump heatpump_suction_temp
31182000027218 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_room_temp
31182000027226 / 03019cff = 50: energymgr hp_disable_ext_temp_threshold
31182000027317 / 0100 = 49: heatpump heatpump_comp_discharge_temp
31182000027318 / 0100 = 47: energymgr z3_room_temp
31182000027371 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z1_cool_water_min_temp
31182000027372 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_cool_water_min_temp
31182000027373 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z3_cool_water_min_temp
31182000027571 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_cool_offset
31182000027572 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_cool_offset
31182000027573 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_cool_offset
31182000027610 / 0100 = 51: heatpump heatpump_LWT_temp
3118200002762d / 03010000 = 53: energymgr dhw_pv_delta_t_setp
3118200002762e / 03018403 = 48: energymgr ext_boiler_dhw_efficiency
31182000027671 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_cool_slope
31182000027672 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z2_cool_slope
31182000027673 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z3_cool_slope
31182000027710 / 0100 = 54: heatpump heatpump_EWT_temp
31182000027810 / 0100 = 49: heatpump heatpump_ext_temp
3118200002782d / 03018403 = 52: energymgr ext_boiler_heat_efficiency
31182000027910 / 0100 = 51: heatpump heatpump_evaporator_temp
31182000027971 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_summer_winter_temp_thresh
31182000027972 / 0100 = 49: energymgr z2_summer_winter_temp_thresh
31182000027973 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z3_summer_winter_temp_thresh
31182000027a71 / 0100 = 50: energymgr z1_summer_winter_switch_delay_time
31182000027a72 / 0100 = 53: energymgr z2_summer_winter_switch_delay_time
31182000027a73 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z3_summer_winter_switch_delay_time
31182000027d2b / 03010000 = 49: heatpump heat_LWT_offset
31182000027f2b / 03010000 = 52: heatpump cool_LWT_temp_offset
3118200002c028 / 0100 = 52: energymgr dhw_comfort_mode
3118200002c079 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z1_heat_therm_type_selection
3118200002c07a / 0100 = 48: energymgr z2_heat_therm_type_selection
3118200002c07b / 0100 = 49: energymgr z3_heat_therm_type_selection
3118200002c200 / 020101 = 52: heatpump heatpump_main_pump
3118200002c279 / 0100 = 51: energymgr z1_heat_room_temp_infl
3118200002c27a / 0100 = 48: energymgr z2_heat_room_temp_infl
3118200002c27b / 0100 = 54: energymgr z3_heat_room_temp_infl
3118200002c32a / 020102 = 53: heatpump pump_operation
3118200002c54b / 0100 = 52: heatpump heatpump_last_error
3118200002c628 / 020100 = 50: energymgr hybrid_mode
3118200002c700 / 020101 = 48: heatpump heatpump_ext_pump
3118200002c728 / 020101 = 53: energymgr heating_mode
3118200002c92a / 020101 = 52: energymgr hv_inv_1_mean
7f18200002c94b / 020102 = 1331: energymgr hybrid_status
3118200002ca46 / 0100 = 72: heatpump heatpump_mode
3118200002cb28 / 020128 = 22: energymgr gas_electric_max_cost_ratio
3118200002cb2a / 020101 = 52: energymgr hv_inv_2_mean
3118200002cb79 / 0100 = 54: energymgr z1_cool_therm_type_selection
3118200002cb7a / 0100 = 54: energymgr z2_cool_therm_type_selection
3118200002cb7b / 0100 = 49: energymgr z3_cool_therm_type_selection
3118200002cc28 / 020105 = 21: energymgr gas_electric_min_cost_ratio
3118200002cc2a / 020107 = 54: energymgr aux_1_afr
3118200002ce28 / 020100 = 52: energymgr hybrid_logic
3118200002ce79 / 0100 = 52: energymgr z1_heat_request_mode
3118200002ce7b / 0100 = 50: energymgr z3_heat_request_mode
3118200002cf2c / 020100 = 51: energymgr aux_2_pump
7018200002d140 / 0201ff = 16701: heatpump config_version_counter
3118200002d32a / 020100 = 51: energymgr aux_2_afr_mean
3118200002d42a / 020100 = 50: energymgr aux_1_mean
3118200002d927 / 0100 = 49: energymgr cool_anticycle_time
3118200002dc28 / 0201fe = 56: energymgr hydraulic_scheme
31182002020400 / 0bff000108180b17021d000e = 52: energymgr last_error
311e2000020c45 / 020101 = 53: heatpump heatpump_flow_switch
311e2000021045 / 020100 = 51: heatpump heatpump_shutoff_protection
311e2000021145 / 020101 = 52: heatpump heatpump_compressor_state
311e2000021245 / 020100 = 50: heatpump heatpump_preheater_state
311e2000021345 / 020100 = 49: heatpump heatpump_4way_valve_state
311e2000021445 / 020101 = 51: heatpump heatpump_fan1_state
311e2000021545 / 020100 = 50: heatpump heatpump_fan2_state
311e2000021645 / 020100 = 51: heatpump heatpump_base_pane_heater_state
311e2000026947 / 03010400 = 54: heatpump heatpump_inverter_nominal_power
311e2000026c4f / 03014200 = 51: heatpump heatpump_evap_pressure
311e2000026d4f / 03010501 = 53: heatpump heatpump_cond_pressure
311e2000026e13 / 0301b700 = 52: heatpump heatpump_flowmeter
311e2000026e4f / 03018002 = 52: heatpump heatpump_fan1_speed
311e2000026f4f / 03010000 = 50: heatpump heatpump_fan2_speed
7f1e200006704f72177c4f / 07077000efff5e05 = 180: heatpump heatpump_exp_valve
311e200002714f / 03013c00 = 51: heatpump heatpump_compr_current
311e2000027417 / 0301ebff = 52: heatpump heatpump_teo_temp
311e200002c446 / 020164 = 52: heatpump heatpump_compr_modulation
7f1e200006cb4673177910 / 06073f4203f5ff = 180: heatpump heatpump_compr_frequency
311e200002d22c / 020128 = 52: heatpump pump_min_pwm
311e200002d32c / 020164 = 50: heatpump pump_max_pwm
313c2000020420 / 020100 = 52: boiler hybrid_integration
703c2000040e11d140 / 0303002f = 14075: boiler flame_active
313c2000021320 / 020100 = 53: boiler ignition_delay_type
313c2000024013 / 03010000 = 52: boiler fan_speed
313c20000240d2 / 0301df00 = 54: boiler diverter_cycles
313c20000242d8 / 03018a02 = 51: boiler ignition_cycles
313c20000244af / 0100 = 54: boiler circulation_time
313c20000244d2 / 0301a904 = 50: boiler boiler_circulation_cycles
313c2000024bd1 / 03010400 = 50: boiler hours_burner_on
313c2000024cd2 / 03018404 = 52: boiler boiler_fan_cycles
313c20000250d9 / 0301b00d = 54: boiler boiler_life_time
313c2000026229 / 03016400 = 53: boiler dhw_max_power_pct
313c2000026329 / 03014e00 = 51: boiler heat_max_power_pct
313c2000026429 / 03010800 = 52: boiler heat_min_power_pct
313c2000026529 / 03012200 = 50: boiler slow_ignition_power_pct
313c2000026629 / 03014b00 = 53: boiler heat_max_adj_power_pct
313c2000026829 / 03012400 = 52: boiler nominal_power
133c2000026847 / 03010000 = 576: boiler dhw_flowmeter
7f3c2000026910 / 03015c01 = 486: boiler EWT_temp
313c2000027547 / 03011000 = 589: boiler boiler_pressure
313c200002c012 / 020100 = 51: boiler diverter_valve
313c200002c027 / 020105 = 49: boiler ignition_delay
313c200002c04b / 020101 = 405: boiler boiler_status
313c200002c12a / 02010a = 52: boiler warning_pressure
313c200002c227 / 020101 = 54: boiler heat_post_circulation
313c200002c228 / 020102 = 53: boiler pump_operation
313c200002c328 / 020102 = 49: boiler pressure_monitoring_device
313c200002c428 / 020100 = 54: boiler boiler_type
313c200002c928 / 020155 = 52: boiler pump_max_pwm
313c200002ca28 / 020119 = 50: boiler pump_min_pwm
133c200002d140 / 02012f = 4032: boiler config_version_counter
313c2001020445 / 03000001 = 50: test boiler_burner_power_pct
313c2001020e20 / 03010001 = 48: boiler maintenance_warnings_enabled
313c200102c300 / 030000ff = 54: test boiler_pump_modulation
313c200102c627 / 0308003c = 52: boiler maintenance_months
313c2002020400 / 0bff009707180c0c073a0100 = 51: boiler last_error
31842000020921 / 020101 = 51: gateway gateway_wifi
31842000021421 / 020101 = 54: gateway gateway_ntp
3184200002c3f0 / 020164 = 52: gateway gateway_wifi_signal
3184200002c4f0 / 020102 = 53: gateway gateway_activation_state
3184200002c89c / 020100 = 53: gateway gateway_sw_update
3184200002cc4b / 020108 = 153: gateway gateway_wifi_state
1084200006d140c89ccc9a / 0407010001 = 104: energymgr config_version_counter
31842001020488 / 03010001 = 51: gateway internet_wheather
31fe202003032000 = 2: heatpump silent_mode
13fe20200b052001602bc00374260000 = 39: energymgr auto_function
13fe20200b0681007071460071717800 = 38: energymgr z1_cool_temp_range
13fe20200c607190016171c80064710000 = 39: energymgr z1_heat_water_max_temp
13fe20200c607358026173c80064730000 = 38: energymgr z3_heat_water_max_temp
13fe20200c6172c800647200006572c800 = 39: energymgr z2_heat_water_min_temp
13fe20200b63718200c67a026272be00 = 39: energymgr z1_night_temp
13fe20200b63728200c67b026273be00 = 39: energymgr z2_night_temp
13fe20200b63738200c67c026274be00 = 39: energymgr z3_night_temp
13fe20200c6571c8006671c2016771c800 = 39: energymgr z1_heat_setpoint_temp_set
13fe20200c657390016673bc026773c800 = 38: energymgr z3_heat_setpoint_temp_set
13fe20200c6a723c006b7200006c720000 = 39: energymgr z2_heat_slope
13fe20200c7072b4007172e6007272e600 = 38: energymgr z2_cool_setpoint_temp_set
13fe20200cc07a01c27a02c97a00008200 = 38: energymgr z2_heat_therm_type_selection
13fe20200cce7a00ce7b00ce7c00ce7d00 = 39: energymgr z2_heat_request_mode
3118200203000000 / 100022001627060a000200002060001800 = 50: sensys energymgr_sw_version
311e200203000000 / 100022001501c007000100002020000800 = 51: sensys heatpump_sw_version
3123200203000000 / 03000008 = 1: sensys Address_23_sw_version
313c200203000000 / 10002200011b0307000100002020002800 = 50: sensys boiler_sw_version
3175200203000000 / 100022007a874704000000600000001000 = 50: sensys remote_command_sw_version
10182000044dfd7547 / 05030000ff7f = 1
1018200008c94b4bfd4cfd4dfd / 080f02000000000000 = 5550
10182000041521c328 / 03030100 = 4
1018200008dc28d18dce8d1521 / 050ffe010101 = 2
1018200008d18dce8d1521d58d / 050f01010100 = 33
10182000045cd95dd9 / 050300000000 = 10
1018200008c94bd1404bfd4cfd / 070f02ff00000000 = 1
101820000450da51da / 050300000000 = 10
101820000452d953d9 / 05033cc60200 = 10
101820000454d955d9 / 050300000000 = 10
101820000456d957d9 / 050300000000 = 10
10182000044ada4bda / 050300000000 = 10
101820000448d949d9 / 050329000000 = 10
10182000044eda4fda / 050300000000 = 10
10182000044cda4dda / 050300000000 = 10
101820000446d947d9 / 0503daa51100 = 9
10182000084bfd4cfd4dfd7547 / 090f000000000000ff7f = 1358
1018200004d58dc328 / 03030000 = 2
101e200004d140ca46 / 03030103 = 838
103c200006409d7547d69c / 06070000100000 = 6309
103c2000080241622b40fbc0f2 / 070f00040000010a = 31
103c2000080241c328622b40fb / 070f000204000001 = 2
103c2000080241c428622b40fb / 070f000004000001 = 1
103c2000040d220e22 / 03030000 = 7
103c200008612bd5280c220d22 / 060f0f04020000 = 32
103c200008d140409d7547d69c / 070f2f00000f0000 = 1
103c200008c0f2d59cd42c0688 / 050f0a000000 = 7
103c20000458d959d9 / 05035d000000 = 10
103c2000045ad95bd9 / 0503c6010000 = 10
103c20000448da49da / 050300000000 = 10
103c2000080e11409d7547d69c / 070f000000100000 = 8
103c20000442d943d9 / 0503ac2d0000 = 10
103c20000446da47da / 050300000000 = 10
103c20000444d945d9 / 0503eedf0100 = 10
103c200008d1400e11409d7547 / 070f2f0000001000 = 5
103c200004409dd69c / 0403000000 = 527
103c200008cb27612bd5280c22 / 060f000f040200 = 7
103c200008d59cd42c0688cb27 / 050f00000000 = 32
1084200004c0f2c5f0 / 03030400 = 39
1084200008cc4bd140c89ccc9a / 050f08010001 = 6742
7018200004d18dce8d / 03030101 = 4
703c200006622b0241c328 / 050704000002 = 4
703c20000440fbc428 / 0403000100 = 4
133c20000468106910 / 050383015b01 = 2225
133c20200ac246016f470000c60400 / 00 = 6625
133c20200ac246156f478c01c60400 / 00 = 253
3718200004772d0b03 / 0403000001 = 38
3718200004c0f2ca46 / 020107 = 6058
371e200004ca46c0f2 / 03030301 = 6129
7f1820000655d15ad154d1 / 0707390400000000 = 17
7f182000045cd95dd9 / 050300000000 = 10
7f1820000450da51da / 050300000000 = 10
7f1820000452d953d9 / 05033cc60200 = 12
7f1820000454d955d9 / 050300000000 = 12
7f1820000456d957d9 / 050300000000 = 12
7f182000044ada4bda / 050300000000 = 10
7f1820000448d949d9 / 050329000000 = 10
7f182000044eda4fda / 050300000000 = 9
7f182000044cda4dda / 050300000000 = 10
7f1820000446d947d9 / 0503d0a51100 = 10
7f1e2000067910704f7217 / 07072f00c8005300 = 1
7f1e2000047117ca46 / 0403f40003 = 4
7f1e2000047c4fca46 / 0403000103 = 2
7f1e2000067117704f7217 / 0707db0064000200 = 1
7f1e20000676106e137710 / 0707b101cf008101 = 102
7f1e20000440d841d8 / 050337030000 = 2
7f1e200004c54b7417 / 040300ebff = 65
7f3c20000458d959d9 / 05035d000000 = 10
7f3c2000045ad95bd9 / 0503c6010000 = 10
7f3c20000448da49da / 050300000000 = 9
7f3c20000442d943d9 / 0503ac2d0000 = 12
7f3c20000446da47da / 050300000000 = 10
7f3c20000444d945d9 / 0503eedf0100 = 12
3118200004d140ca46 / 0201ff = 55: heatpump heatpump_info
3118200004c2000601 / 03030101 = 53: heatpump water_pump_info
311e20000463477c4f / 050300006a05 = 54: heatpump heatpump_power_consumption
311e20000478106947 / 05031d000400 = 50: heatpump heatpump_ext_unit_info
311e20000408451945 / 03030000 = 50: test hp_unkn2
311e2000066e13cb46d84b / 0507c100440f = 49: heatpump compressor_info
311e2000067910704f7417 / 0707f9ff7100ecff = 51: heatpump heatpump_other_info1

It seems in your system the energy manager doesn’t answer to that query, both these answers are “wrong” in Bridgenet dialect of ebus

3118200004d140ca46 / 0201ff = 54: heatpump heatpump_info
3118200002ca46 / 0100 = 72: heatpump heatpump_mode

try to change these 2 lines in the CSV, forcing ebusd to ask these values directly to the HP

r,heatpump,heatpump_mode,Heatpump Operating Mode,,18,2000,ca46,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,UCH,0=OFF;1=Stand_by;2=Cooling;3=Heating;4=Heating_boost;5=Cooling_boost;6=Heating_rating;7=Cooling_rating;8=Antifreeze;9=Defrost;10=Overtemp_prot;11=Timeguard;12=System_error;13=Reset_service;14=Coolant_recovery;15=Soft_fail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
g,heatpump,heatpump_info,Heatpump Operating Mode,,18,2000,d140ca46,,s,IGN:2,,,,heatpump_mode,s,UCH,0=OFF;1=Stand_by;2=Cooling;3=Heating;4=Heating_boost;5=Cooling_boost;6=Heating_rating;7=Cooling_rating;8=Antifreeze;9=Defrost;10=Overtemp_prot;11=Timeguard;12=System_error;13=Reset_service;14=Coolant_recovery;15=Soft_fail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

like this

r,heatpump,heatpump_mode,Heatpump Operating Mode,,1e,2000,ca46,,s,IGN:1,,,,,,UCH,0=OFF;1=Stand_by;2=Cooling;3=Heating;4=Heating_boost;5=Cooling_boost;6=Heating_rating;7=Cooling_rating;8=Antifreeze;9=Defrost;10=Overtemp_prot;11=Timeguard;12=System_error;13=Reset_service;14=Coolant_recovery;15=Soft_fail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,heatpump,heatpump_info,Heatpump Operating Mode,,1e,2000,d140ca46,,s,IGN:2,,,,heatpump_mode,s,UCH,0=OFF;1=Stand_by;2=Cooling;3=Heating;4=Heating_boost;5=Cooling_boost;6=Heating_rating;7=Cooling_rating;8=Antifreeze;9=Defrost;10=Overtemp_prot;11=Timeguard;12=System_error;13=Reset_service;14=Coolant_recovery;15=Soft_fail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Done that, changed 18 in 1e and restarted Ebusd container. Still same error:

root@ebusd:/# ebusctl grab result all | grep ca46                                                                      
7f1e200002ca46 / 020103 = 2                                                                                            
3118200002ca46 / 0100 = 2: heatpump heatpump_mode                                                                      
101e200004d140ca46 / 03030103 = 7                                                                                      
3718200004c0f2ca46 / 020107 = 36                                                                                       
371e200004ca46c0f2 / 03030301 = 35                                                                                     
3118200004d140ca46 / 0201ff = 2: heatpump heatpump_info


root@ebusd:/# ebusctl read -m 0 -c heatpump heatpump_info                                                              
ERR: invalid position in decode                                                                                        
root@ebusd:/# ebusctl read -m 0 -c heatpump heatpump_mode                                                              
ERR: invalid position in decode

This seems to confirm that the NUOS slave address doesnt answer back to any query even the bus scan ones, so we’re limited to filter broadcasted messages from the master address of the NUOS (0x77).
There are a lot of messages in the dump but only 2 contain data that are both known to me and maybe useful:

77 fe 2020 0c 0220 01 0b20 01 0f20 00 c028 02 = 96
77 fe 2020 0b ca2a b4 6126 2602 6226 9a01 = 96

these lines should be able to decode the values.
ATM I have no Idea on what 0f20 (0x200f little endian) represent, same apply to ca2a

b,energymgr,nuos_info1,Nuos Info 1,77,fe,2020,0220,dhw_status,s,onoff,,,,,s,IGN:2,,,,anti_legionella,s,onoff,,,,,s,IGN:3,,,,dhw_comfort_mode,s,BCD,0=off;1=timed;2=always_on,
b,energymgr,nuos_info2,Nuos Info 2,77,fe,2020,ca2a,ign,s,IGN:3,,,,dhw_comfort_temp,m,SIN,10,°C,,,m,IGN:2,,,,dhw_economy_temp,m,SIN,10,°C