Ariston NET and Aqua Ariston NET remotethermo integration

you should increase the polling time in configuration.yaml.

I have the same issue and trying to find the right setup.

1.5 is working for a while (1-2 hours) but it is not accepted by Ariston Server.

2.0 is fine for me and for the Ariston Server after over 12 hours.

mám dotaz, kde jsi změnil interval dotazování na server, bohužel se s tím také potýkám, a Ariston mne odpálkoval. Neběžela mi ani originální aplikace.
Problém s výpadky komunikace mám už měsíc, přitom integraci už používám od září 2023 a po celou dobu bylo vše perfektní.


omlouvám se, už jsem to našel v souboru

please write in english…

in the configuration.yaml…

username: ******
password: ******
type: “lydos_hybrid”
logging: “WARNING”
polling: 1.8 (max 1.0 for more polling).

Hi Roberto, thanks for the answer.
Can you please tell me exactly how to do so?
Also, what about Ariston Support who told me that Home Assistant is against their terms and conditions?

you should use hacs and install the “file editor”.
using the file editor you can work on yr configuration.yaml.

I can understand Ariston is against HA… they don’t want problem they don’t care if you like or not their app…

Roberto, can you please send the piece of yml code to insert in the configuration? Thanks a lot.

Another point: I see what you mean about Ariston terms and conditions, but my point is another: when I started using the boiler with Home Assistant, the Ariston application started to not work anymore. How to avoid this?

It is written in the previous message see the thread

I have no issues with the Ariston boiler app…Maybe yr polling is too low too much enquiries to Ariston server

Is this the Same as SLIM2 LUX WI-FI and ANDRIS2 TOP WI-FI models ?

In the last few days, the APIs keep disconnecting, have you also encountered this problem?

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Same here Failed setup, will retry: (429, b’Requests are blocked for 8 seconds’)

hi, someone can help me?.
i have a little new boiler called " ANDRIS ELITE WIFI 15/5 EU".
app on android working well, but i can’t use rest api to talk with it.
I try all your suggest, api v2 v3 ecc. on python but can’t see json data returned

keeps dropping connection to API… how can this be fixed?

so this integration is unusable

Does ‘‘GitHub - fustom/ariston-remotethermo-home-assistant-v3: Ariston NET remotethermo integration for Home Assistant based on API’’ work with a Atag Lydos hybrid 100 wifi heat pump water heater?
It is basically the same as the Ariston Lydos hybrid 100 wifi and also the android apps and websites look identical.
But I want to be sure before I buy one.

Thanks in advance!

I would like to try the integration and I am also interested in the flow and return sensor

Hi. Am I missing something here? Where did polling go? As I try to set it and I get an error saying that polling is not a valid optionfor Ariston. I remember having it in my config years ago but looks like now it could help. Ty in advance