Arlec PC399HA Entity Configuration - Smart Plug Tuya Local

I’m hoping someone might be able to please help me. I have a bunch of Arlec Model PC399HYA (Tuya based) switches and power plugs installed in my house. I’ve recently purchased a smart plug with power metering and also recently made the switch to Tuya Local.

Ideally I’d like to know what all the attributes are, but I’d happily settle for the Current, Current Consumption and Voltage, as per the diagram. (Pretty sure that the voltage is Value 20)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi , did you get anywhere with this ?
Im stuck on the exact same issue.

Bring it up in TuyaSmart and compare the values found there ?

Yes I did by installing the Tuya V2 integration.

Hi @riccid - Although it looks like you’ve got it sorted, the ID values are:

Switch: 1
Current: 18
Voltage: 20

Current, power and voltage all need to be scaled by 0.1 to give you the correct value.


Nice work, The only one I had an issue with was 18 Current - For the “Current (Amps)” I had to scale it by 0.001 for the correct Amp reading

Interesting, my version of HA wont let me enter a scale of 0.001. It stops at 0.1

hey - incase anyone else has this issue. Type 0.001 in notepad for example, copy. Then paste into the HA scaling factor :slight_smile:

I’ve been battling for hours to try and get Arlec GridConnect PC399HYA and PC191HA Smart Plug-in socket with energy meter recognised by TuyaLocal today.

The plug’s switch module was discovered easily, but I could not work out the right settings to get the energy/power monitors to work. I was going down custom-code rabbit-holes that didn’t need to be touched.

In the end, it was very, very simple - Everything was configured via the GUI with no custom YAML needed.

Configure the existing switch entity to add the following IDs:
ID 1: Switch (already exists)
ID 18: Current (A) + Scaling factor 0.001 (Bug: must copy & paste this value into the UI)
ID 19: Power (W) + Scaling factor 0.1
ID 20: Voltage (V) + Scaling factor 0.1


  • LocalTuya is already installed.
  • Your device has already been added to LocalTuya.
  • You can see and control the ‘Switch’ entity of the device.

Refer here for LocalTuya installation instructions:

Lots more detail in this thread too:

Step-by-step guide:

In Home Assistant, navigate to Settings > Devices & Services.
Open LocalTuya.

Click “Configure”.

Select “Edit a device

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150058

Select your Arlec Grid Connect Plug from the list

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150110

Tick “Add more entities in ‘edit device’ mode

Change the Entity Type Platform to “Sensor

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150146

Configure Entity as follows:
ID 18: Current (A)
Scaling factor 0.001 (Bug: must copy & paste this value into the UI)

Change the Entity Type Platform to “Sensor
Untick “Do not add any more entities

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150301

Repeat the Configure Entity process 2x more times.
ID 19: Power (W) + Scaling factor 0.1
ID 20: Voltage (V) + Scaling factor 0.1

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150301

After the 3rd (Voltage) entity is added, leave the “Do not add any more entities” ticked

Screenshot 2023-12-29 150438


Screenshot 2023-12-29 150444

Visit your “Devices” tab, and find the plug device

The device should now show the sensor values

Which you can click on and see the graphs
Click the cog to find additional configuration.

e.g. If needed, you can increase the display resolution if you have low-current devices like LED fairy lights.

That’s it!
Hope this helps.

Also Discovered the easiest way is to type:-
then left arrow to move the Cursor to between the point & the one,
then type the two extra zeros.

Arlec PC191HA’s here, Common at Bunnings in Aus.

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