Arlo Integrration - Live Feed not working on Safari Mac or iOS in general

I recently integrated all my Arlo cameras to my Home Assistant, all work fine.

In terms of the live feed from the Arlo cameras I am seeing a very strange behaviour. It works fine when I access HA on my PC using Chrome Browser, and also works fine on my Mac if I use Chrome Browswer.

However, when I try the same, to run a live camera feed on my Mac using Safari Browser, or on my iOS devices (iPhone 12 Pro Max, or latest iPad Pro) what i notice is that the live feed starts at some point, but stops 2sec after. Behaviour on Mac iOS Safari and is same for both iPhone/iPad iOS devices irrespective if I use HA iOS App or iOS Browsers (Chrome or Safari). In other worlds there seems to be a general iOS and Mac Safari specific issue with keeping the live strem from Arlo cameras. This is not an issue when using the iOS Arlo App where live feed works well.

Anyone else having same issue and guidance on this?

Would you mind sharing your configuration.yaml? I’ve been having issues setting mine up using this video:

sure, here is the configuration.yaml for Arlo cameras I use. I used exactly the same video you shared for configuring the below and worked fine fitst time

  tfa_source: imap
  tfa_type: email
  tfa_username: My Arlo User GMail Address
  tfa_password: My Arlo User GMail Address App Password
  username: My Arlo User GMail Address
  password: My Arlo User Password for Arlo Portal
  backend: sse

  - platform: aarlo
    away_mode_name: armed
    home_mode_name: home
    night_mode_name: night
    trigger_time: 30
    alarm_volume: 8

  - platform: aarlo

  - platform: aarlo
      - motion
      - sound
      - ding
      - cry
      - connectivity

  - platform: aarlo
      - total_cameras
      - last_capture
      - recent_activity
      - captured_today
      - battery_level
      - signal_strength
      - temperature
      - humidity
      - air_quality

  - platform: aarlo
    siren: True
    all_sirens: True
    snapshot: True
    doorbell_silence: True
    siren_volume: 1
    siren_duration: 300

  - platform: aarlo

And below is the config for the dashboard for adding one of my Arlo cameras, I just duplicate the below to add tall the cameras, and I have few more cards showing the battery state, buttons for the Sirens and lights of the cameras as well as a card for the rest of the info coming out from these cameras

  - type: custom:aarlo-glance
        entity: camera.aarlo_door_entrance
        name: Hallway
          - motion
          - sound
          - library
          - snapshot
          - battery level
          - signal_strength
          - capture_today
          - image_date
        top_title: true
        image_click: play