Arlo: replacement pyarlo module

The camera.aarlo_record sound like what I’m looking for. Thanx

If you are using HACS try version 0.0.7-rec01 (or download from here or here

It has a camera.aarlo_start_recording service which takes the following parameters (duration is recording time in seconds):


It also has camera.aarlo_stop_recording if you want to stop it manually.

It works perfect, many thanx! I have another problem. When i use this I get the correct time stamp in HA but not in the Arlo app (same for snapshots). 1 camera shows correct and 2 of them shows incorrect time stamp. It seems to be like 8 hours wrong. Really strange that 1 works but not the other 2. Any ideas?
Once again thanx

I’ll take a look on my system. One thing to check might be the timezone settings for your devices.

I have checked time timezone (for the base station) and it seems to be correct. If all of them would have showed wrong…but now it seems to the camera itself

Hello all,

I hope someone has an idea and can help.

I want to create an automation that turns on the lights if motion is detected after dark. The problem I’m having is that my motion sensor status never changes according the HA history. It always reports “Clear”. I have double and triple checked my config matches the example code on the Github repository.

Every other feature appears to be working just fine.


Is the motion detection activated for the cameras? The motion detection will work only when the cameras are armed. You can check in the Arlo app if this is the case. Then motion detection should work just fine.

Yes, my outdoor cameras are always active and I receive a notification from the Arlo app while HA doesn’t see a change in the sensor.

The config looks good. I have to ask, but you do have a separate account for the HA devices with admin access enabled?

When you arm the cameras do you have it set to record video or just notify of motion?

I assume the history bar came from the log screen? Can you try clicking on the device itself to get the shorter history? The time spent in motion state is pretty short.

And finally, can you turn on debug logs? You need to add (or change) the following configuration option.

  default: info
    pyaarlo: debug

If you’re ok looking through the logs you should see something like this if motion is detected.

2019-10-22 16:32:03 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [pyaarlo] Driveway Camera: got cameras/XXXXXXXXXXX event                                                                                       
2019-10-22 16:32:03 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [pyaarlo] set:XXXXXXXXXX/motionDetected=True   

Strange! I do exactly what you want to do with my cameras and that works great!

Okay, I am still troubleshooting but found that motion seems to work for a while after my pi reboots and then stops working. I discovered this when I updated the config yesterday and found motion was working when the pi came back up. It stopped working by the time I left for work this morning. When I got home I began troubleshooting again and found a reboot has motion working again.

Are you ok looking through some debug info? The information I’m looking for is olsonTimeZone, I want to see if it’s the same for each camera.

First, add packet_dump to the aarlo config.

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password
  packet_dump: True

Then look in /config/.aarlo/packets.dump for the words olsonTimeZone. For example, all my devices show:

                    'olsonTimeZone': 'America/New_York',

I’ll also create a development build that shows the value.

edit: I created this branch which will show timezone for cameras and basestations:

Can you see if anything looks odd?

Did you turn on debug? If so, there might be some error messages coming pyaarlo. It might look something like:

2019-10-29 12:07:06 DEBUG (ArloBackgroundWorker) [pyaarlo] request-error: <error text>

Sorry, but this is above my competence :slight_smile: I have the following in configuration.yaml but I can not find the file “packets.dump”

packet_dump: True
db_motion_time: 30
db_ding_time: 10
recent_time: 10
last_format: ‘%y-%m-%d %H:%M’
conf_dir: /config/.aarlo
no_media_upload: True

Im am struggling with getting snapshot work with my actionable notification iOS.

What i want is eather showing an snapshot image or preferably an live stream.
I Get to image to show when the push is sent, but only smal size right corner before I hold to perform an action.

So. How is it possible to:

  1. Get an snapshot image to show larger when push notification is pressed?
  2. Is it possible to get camera url?

I can see in the github text something about websocket api can Get URL. But i can not understand how to do so.

An update regarding my issue…

Since adding the debugging motion detection has been working for more than 48 hours. I will have to comment out the debugging and see if my issue returns.

Has anyone updated to HA 0.101.0? I noticed when running the config checker it came back with the following error…

Platform error camera.aarlo - No module named 'haffmpeg'

Also, if anyone can share their automations.yaml for motion detection I would appreciate it.

I’m not seeing the No module named error. How are you running the config check?

You can change the conf_dir so the directory aarlo will appear. (Note, I just removed the full stop before aarlo.)

conf_dir: /config/aarlo

Then you should be able to find the packets.dump file.

All ‘olsonTimeZone’ is ‘Europe/Amsterdam’ <=> correct
could it be something with running 2 arlo pro cameras and 1 arlo pro 2? The arlo pro 2 (last added) is working fine