Arlo: replacement pyarlo module

I’m on 108.5.

Hi, I have installed Aarlo and have been using it for a week now. Working very well except when I stream I don’t get any audio. But in the library recordings audio is ok. Something I can fix in the config to get audio to work when streaming as well?

The capture snapshot on the hass-aarlo-lovelace card seems to be showing a lower resolution image. As an example, after a recording my card looks like this:

The image resolution is: 1920x1072

However, when I manually take a snapshot using the aarlo-glance card, it then shows bars at the top and bottom of the image (easy to see based on spacing under icons):
The image resolution is: 640x320

Why is the image scaled down when manually taking a snapshot?

Hi all, the aarlo service is excellent, thank you for all the hard work.
I’m trying to drive an automation in node red. Can someone help as I’m guessing here? Trying to get it to trigger alarm mode in a service node. I know this is not correct, any help would be greatly appreciated.

@ssilence The idle snapshot function is a fudge because the Arlo GUI doesn’t provide one. It uses the same mechanism to grab the image as the “Activity Zones Setup” uses so has a lower resolution. The recently active snapshot comes directly from Arlo and has a better resolution.

As for the bars, it’s probably my GUI code not handling it correctly. What kind of camera are you using?

I am using an Arlo Pro 3. It displays the image correctly for a second, then almost compresses it from the top and bottom.

Here is mine:


@ssilence thank you…perfect. Just what I needed.

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Another item that is strange is that I have had several cameras going off today recording things, but yet it still shows images from yesterday in the aarlo-glances card. Nothing at all from today.

What version of hass-aarlo are you on?
What version of lovelace-hass-aarlo are you on?

I just upgraded hass-aarlo a little while ago. Here are my versions:

hass-aarlo: v0.6.18.13 (previously had v0.6.18.12)
lovelace-hass-aarlo: v0.0.17

After I updted hass-aarlo and performed a restart, things look correct now. I will keep you posted if I see it again.

Oh, and excellent work, this implementation works great! I was able to setup without 2FA so running that way for now.

It is once again stuck with a stale image from earlier and not showing me any of my latest recordings. Is there something more I can to do try and debug this?


Can you send me your aarlo config? Minus the sensitive pieces obviously.

Modify your logging to add aarlo debug.

  default: info
    custom_components.aarlo: debug debug
    pyaarlo: debug

This will create a file called home-assistant.log in your configuration directory. Now get the camera to record something and we’ll see what happens.

Feel free to message me directly with the output, no point clogging this thread up.

There is more info on debugging here.

Will do. Thanks!

First off, thank you for the enhancement to the arlo camera integration. I’m really close to being able to rely on this vs having notifications from arlo and home assistant.

My HA environment is running on a Ubuntu 18.04 linux server using the installer. The OS is running off an SSD and this is where the containers are running for HA. I have used the HACS to install the aarlo and glance components. I’m using the automation directory with automations grouped into yaml files in that directory.

I’m trying to use the aarlo.camera_request_snapshot_to_file and it seems when I call it from an automation I don’t get the snapshot that the arlo camera is taking for that motion event. If I call it from within developer tools services it will take it and write that image to file. I’ve enabled logging for the camera to ensure that it’s writing to disk through the automation and was able to confirm through the following logs…

2020-04-26 21:55:36 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [] callback:Driveway:activityState:alertStreamActive
2020-04-26 21:55:40 INFO (MainThread) [] camera_request_snapshot_to_file service called
2020-04-26 21:55:40 INFO (MainThread) [] camera.aarlo_driveway snapshot(filename=Template("/config/www/cameras/driveway/driveway_snapshot.jpg"))
2020-04-26 21:55:40 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [] callback:Driveway:activityState:fullFrameSnapshot
2020-04-26 21:56:05 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [] callback:Driveway:activityState:idle
2020-04-26 21:56:05 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [] callback:Driveway:activityState:idle

I’ve pulled the automation samples from the hass-aarlo github site to start from. I’ve tried tweaking each of the times with no success. I’ve added a 10 second delay when the snapshot finished but before it sends the push notification, still no luck.

- id: 'arlo_driveway_snapshot_to_file'          
  alias: "[Arlo] Driveway Snapshot"
  - entity_id: camera.aarlo_driveway
    for: 00:00:03
    from: 'idle'
    platform: state
    to: 'recording'
  - entity_id: camera.aarlo_driveway
    for: 00:00:03
    from: 'recently active'
    platform: state
    to: 'recording'
  condition: []
  - service: aarlo.camera_request_snapshot_to_file
      entity_id: camera.aarlo_driveway
      filename: /config/www/cameras/driveway/driveway_snapshot.jpg

- id: 'arlo_driveway_alert_iPhone'    
  alias: "[Arlo] Notify Driveway Motion"
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: camera.aarlo_driveway
    from: 'taking snapshot'
    to: 'idle'
  - delay: 00:00:10
  - service: notify.mobile_app_john
      message: "Motion detected in the driveway."
          url: "https://public_url/local/cameras/driveway/driveway_snapshot.jpg"
          content-type: jpeg
          hide-thumbnail: false

I’ve tried this on another camera with the same challenges. Any thoughts on what I have wrong?

Looked through all the documentation and couldn’t find my exact issue - wondering if this is normal behavior or if I’m doing something wrong -

First of all, it works great! No issues whatsoever. The only thing is, I can only review the last recorded event, I would love to be able to stream live or even review past recorded events. Is this a possibility?

@opentekhead I’ll try reproducing the issue here. It all looks like it should work.

@Squishbutt Take a look at you can install it from HACS.

Holy crap man, I love you. This makes this integration 1000x times better. I’m so glad I asked.

To add to the symptoms I do experience the Lovelace card not refreshing all the time and when that occurs typically reviewing the events those are not updated either. Rebooting typically resolves the issue however it occurs randomly and sometimes pretty frequent. I’ve added a few options to try to resolve things freezing up. I’m adding more debugging tonight and will see if that gives any additional insight. My current configuration is…

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password
  last_format: '%m-%d %H:%M'
  recent_time: 10
  no_media_upload: True
  refresh_devices_every: 3
  stream_timeout: 180
  reconnect_every: 90

What Arlo cameras do you have and experience the issues with?