Im trying to get an actionable push notification to arm the alarm if nobody is home but cant get it to work.
if i open the automation in home assistant and click activate i get the notification and can arm the house.
Everything is working beside if i leave the home i dont get the notification.
any ideas whats wrong with my code?
ios: push: categories: - name: larma identifier: larma actions: - identifier: LARMPA title: "Sätt på larm" activationMode: 'background' authenticationRequired: no destructive: yes behavior: 'default'
- id: action_push_message larm alias: 'Action Push Message larm' initial_state: 'on' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm to: 'disarmed' for: minutes: 10 condition: condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: 'device_tracker.phone1_iphone' state: 'not_home' - condition: state entity_id: 'device_tracker.phone2_iphone' state: 'not_home' action: service: notify.ios_phone1_iphone data: message: "Larmet är fortfarande av men ingen är hemma!" data: push: badge: 0 category: "larma" action_data: entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm - id: push_notify_action_larm alias: 'Push Notify Action larm' initial_state: 'on' trigger: - platform: event event_type: ios.notification_action_fired event_data: actionName: larma action: - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away data: entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm code: 1234