Arm Home through actionable android notifications

So I am trying to make the system send me an actionable notification to my phone to verify that I want to arm the house alarm. I just can’t seem to get it working, I get notification and press the arm button, but nothing happens… So I was wondering if someone can point out my mistake…

alias: Arm Home (Night)
description: Request to Arm at approximately 11pm
  - platform: time
    at: '23:00'
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_<phone_ID>
      message: Time to ARM house?
          - action: call-service
            title: ARM
            service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
              device_id: alarm_control_panel.arts_s_house
              code: '0123'
mode: single

Any help is greatly appreciated.

You don’t define the action to be taken directly in the notification, you need to create a separate automation that listens for the answer and then executes the actions.

See here:

Here’s an example from my config that listens to the action arm_alarm:

- id: arm_alarm_when_confirmed_by_mobile
  alias: "Alarm einschalten aus Handy Benachrichtigungsbestätigung"
    platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: arm_alarm
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
      code: !secret alarm_code

You’d need to change action: call-service to action: arm_alarm in your automation, then you can use the above automation.

Ah thank you, I’ll give it a try later on

Hi All, I do not see the action buttons on my Android unless I click on the ‘expand’ icon of the notification. Is there any way to get the action buttons to show immediately?

This is what I am sending from my laptop:

I see this view when I receive the notification:

I have to click on the little down arrow on the top right of the notifications to see the action buttons.