Aroma difuzér Gernems 400 ml (YX-088) - Tasmota Good day.

I’m not sure I’m writing in the right place.
I bought an aroma diffuser with a TYWE3S module, the same as the Gernems 400 ml Aroma diffuser template (YX-088).
I uploaded to the Tasmot module and started configuring both the device and the Home Assistant.
I found some errors in the HA configuration else if - elif and payload_not_avail:
Subsequently, I am almost convinced that they are not the only ones. I have other problems:
cannot set select.diffuser_color_mode is permanently unknown
can’t set the light effect to Random, Wake up or any other
diffuser intensity cannot be set low, medium, high.
the only thing i changed is the topic in mqtt but i changed that everywhere in the scripts and in Rule1.
Can you please advise me what I’m doing wrong?
Please revise the template at:

model AS-1522YN

Thank you