Ask again Cloudflaire tunnel work but no access from outside

sorry to ask again here

I no longer have access to my home from outside.
My network connection looks like this:
Own domain:
Tunnel: Cloudflire
My PC is on the same network as the internet Fritzbox

I uninstalled Cloudflaire and recreated the connection. everything looks good in Cloudflaire.

However, if I want to access it from outside using the external web address, Homeassistant blocks it

my Configuration.yaml looks like this

   - type: trusted_networks
       - ff00::/8
     allow_bypass_login: true
  name: mydomainname
  latitude: 49.460983
  longitude: 11.061859
  elevation: 430
  unit_system: metric
  currency: EUR
  country: DE
  time_zone: "Europe/Berlin"
  external_url: ""
  internal_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123"
    - "/config/tmp"
    - "/config/tmp/Cameras/snapshots/reolink_E1_Zoom"
    - "/config/www/cards"
    - "/config/www"

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

I can’t see and find the auth error!

Do you see him or do you still need dates?

Oh yes:
Even with my domain provider, when I reinstalled Cloudflaire, I also entered the new name servers that were already active… all to no avail

I think I set something wrong on the home assistant, I just don’t know where…

there the error what i get

Unable to fetch auth providers.

the subdomain "ha" is also regsitrated in cloudflaire ... all from looks in cloudflaire ok,,, but ha blocked and i don't know why

maybe that is important too

in my local network i get also sometimes login problems with homeassistant.local:8123…
now work that but if i try same second the local IP like i get that

same same auth problme like and same like mobile-app…

Where else can I look? My configuration yaml looks clean

i try now to check configuration.yaml again i get same error but by the last refresh ( auth error… i refreshed this side ) i get this error

Error 1033 Ray ID: 86ab901f4a6d8c15 • 2024-03-27 01:21:19 UTC
Argo Tunnel error
What happened?
You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. The host ( is configured as an Argo Tunnel, and Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve it.

What can I do?
If you are a visitor of this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.

If you are the owner of this website:
Ensure that cloudflared is running and can reach the network. You may wish to enable load balancing for your tunnel.

now works all fine… is use now a other domain and take it again now works all fine!

This all you need in your configuration.yaml for Cloudflared. Try removing the trusted networks settings temporarily.

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

Does your Cloudflared addon config have the correct information?

Is your Cloudflare tunnel settings setup through ZeroTrust?

i check that feeling like 1000 times. I don’t find any differenc to 100 samples in the internet
This System works maybe 2 years long without any other configuration…
i do anything but i don’t know what.

i cinfigure a subdomain-name like … now connect the tunnel to and works…

So you are up and running? The translation to English is not clear.

The problem might be, I don’t even know if it was the Cloudflare connection.

When I couldn’t log in externally to the HA system, my Loker access also had problems from time to time.
So I was just able to log in with homeassistant.local:8123 and in the second browser tab I tried to log in with the IP and the login was not accepted!

So I’m not entirely sure whether the actual problem has been fixed at all

yes, i think so… i take the configuration over zeroTrust

but my first cloudflaire tunnel… i’m not sure i configure this over ZeroTrust…