The integration connects to the askoheat+ device through modbus and queries four different data blocks based on different scan interval. All states per block are fetched in one request and is therefore more efficient than using the existing modbus integration.
Additionally a switch is provided to auto feed-in the power fed back to the grid to be able to heat up your water boiler with that energy instead.
Any suggestions or improvements are welcome. Please start a discussion or create a respective ticket in that repository.
So far I’ve created the first beta release and will now improve the quality by providing tests. I’m already using the integration with two askoheat+ devices connected.
I am trying to use your askoheat integration. But I don’t get it working yet.
What worked is integrating the git hub repo into HACS and then downloading from that repo.
What did not work is adding the integration. It seems to detect my device, but then I get either an unknown error or a python error for 4096 being too large for int8.
I am also unsure which of the device units I need to activate and if I should add an entity for the solar power surplus or not. The askoheat device is currently connected to a senec battery. I think it is already controlled by that.
Any suggestions about the error messages that I get?
Nice that you’re trying out the integration. Adding the github repository as a custom repository to HACS is the only possibility to integrate the Askohet integration the the moment. Which version did you install? Latest main branch or did you install the v1.0.0-beta1 version?
I didn’t try out the latest main on which I’m heavily working to provide a good test coverage, but I might have broken something. Therefore I suggest you go with the beta release which is actually working at my place.
Regarding the error you receive. Would it be possible that you’re providing me the error logs from HA so I could further analyse the cause of the problem?
The device units is just a a grouping of the available entities. As I tried to integrate most of the available entities (~150 Entities) I did group them into device units so you can exclude some of the entities if you know that your setup doesn’t need those entities (i.e. don’t select analog input control input if you don’t control your askoheat device by an analog input signal.
You still can later enable device units so I suggest you start with a minimal setup.
The solar power energy is used to use the auto feed-in mechanism of the askoheat device which, if enabled, will start heating if your feeding back energy to the grid. Don’t know if your battery does a similar thing or not…
Would be good if you would provide the exact model and firmware version of your askoheat device so I could get in contact with the manufactured to check if there are differences which I would need to cover.
You could provide me the output of http://askoheat.local/getall (or witht e hostname/IP your askoheat device is running), then I might figure out those information myself.