ASR6502 / HTCC-AB02S - Setup?

Just got in a couple of boards to test out and play. I am new to esphome / HA and have gotten 1 board working but thats b/c its a generic one that most people use and had an example here on the board.

I wanted to start by understanding how to choose what type of board to put during the initial setup.
I used the following one for a board that worked and i didnt bork.
board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
type: arduino

How do i find which board to use for the one below?

ASR6502 / HTCC-AB02S

I have seen that if it’s not listed, there is a way to point it to the github repo or something along that route?


So if i am not mistaken, i used the pio tool,
pio boards asrmicro650x, and it shows

cubecell_gps                   ASR6502  48MHz        128KB    16KB   Heltec CubeCell-GPS (HTCC-AB02S)

So i am guessing its cubecell_gps i use?

Yeah that def does not work :expressionless: back to google-ing

So this board is NOT esp32 chipset :weary:

OK super frustrated at this point. i THINK all the boards i got from crappy amazon are not compatible with esphome. i can’t seem to figure out even if this Lilygo module works

Lora32 T3_V1.6.1 , can’t even get it connected with esphome to flash it.

Is there a good list to go against so i can purchase a Lora board with a screen and esp32 chipset that works with esphome?