Assign area to multiple entities?

Hi everybody,

I am currently setting up a fresh instance of Home Assistant and want to assign everything to its appropriate area. Please look at the attached screenshot:

Example entities:

  • input_number.arbeitszimmer_heizung_00
  • input_datetime.arbeitszimmer_heizung_00
  • input_number.arbeitszimmer_heizung_01
  • input_datetime.arbeitszimmer_heizung_01

While I can select multiple entities (it would not let me select automation.arbeitzimmer_00 when I tried to), this only gives me the options

  • activate selected
  • deactivate selected
  • hide selected
  • delete selected

However, I would like to assign all these entities to area_id: Arbeitszimmer. Just for the sake of it. Everything works fine, it wouldn’t make a difference whether I do this or not (as far as I can see at the moment). But I’d still like to to make it easier to filter things, to see everything that is assigned to Arbeitszimmer, for example; I could just click on SETTINGS > AREAS > and see what has to do with it.

When I add an integration, this happens automatically: it prompts me for an area, I assign it > all entities that came with this integration are assigned to an area. However, these manually created input_number, input_datetime, or really any manually created entity (my “manually”, I mean via *.yaml file) will not have an area assigned.

I can do this manually by clicking each individual entity and assign an area; but is there a better/faster way? This is the documentation for input_number; there is no option to assign an area here. Is there a bulk way to do this that I just not haven’t found? Via UI or yaml doesn’t matter, as long as I can assign all entities to their appropriate rooms without doing it manually for each individual one :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance for your input.

Duplicate of WTH can't we add entities to areas in bulk?