Assign Battery backed button to Bulb

right - ok…ive not got that…in that im not runnng the deConz tool but the zigbee plugin…im not sure you can have both running at the same time? (back up and running) still having web issues though…!

Sorry - question is can i have both plugins running to the one device?

Further edit… just tried to install the deConz plugin (when i tried my first build - i tried using the plugin from deconz themselves) while i could get it working i couldnt get anything to connect then tried the one in HA itself (the red Z icon) and that just worked…so ive stuck with that…

if i try to install the deConz tool it wants an ip and port number…wasnt that something like a 172 number with a weird port?

Just to add - is there no “windowed” way of connecting this button to anything? ive said in other posts that any kind of scripting/coding may as well be in sandscript! no clue whatsoever!

Went back to the top and tried the way you said but no luck…no matter what variations i try…ill keep trying.

How do you add your zigbee devices?
Is it thru zha or zigbee2mqtt?

ZHA i think…as i said i first used the deConz tool but had no luck with that…when i go to add in a device i use the icon with the “Red Z” everything ive connected using that has worked first time…

You’ll need to post some pics of your zigbee setup
if it’s zha, then you can use developer tools to listen to zha_events triggered by the remote buttons

Ive also got a sonoff usb stick as well…(not plugged in though - never used) - which one is best (just your thoughts would be good enough) if youve used the 2…

As of this morning (working today so in the offie) but i noticed that the bulb in my room (bedside lamp) had also gone offline so it appears that the aurora bulbs all, go offline, over time…

I’ve only used sonoff usb zigbee stick with zigbee2mqtt and it’s pretty stable
I didn’t have a good experience with zha last time (motion sensors not detected over time, some zigbee devices cannot be added etc)

Thats good to know…is it a case of “starting again?” or can i just switch dongles over?

ok…so messing around tonight i would say (just my idiot opinion) is that all bulbs and buttons either dont work or, disconnect themselves randomly…if repair a button and then watch it in the device and physically press, the button, nothing registers…bulbs randomly disconnect and the only way to get them back is to unplug them and cycle the power…they did all work on the old hub fine so im into a compatibility issue, i think…

So, ive got an unusued sonoff usb stick here so should i build another VM with the sonoff and try/use MQTT?? what says you lot??

Looking here its got the MQTT logo and not the deconz one does that mean i should switch from zha to MQTT ??

No need a new vm, just install zigbee2mqtt and configure it to use the sonoff zigbee stick.
As for the bulbs randomly disconnect, could be the signal coverage for conbee/zha issue
Try check the LQI for the bulbs that keep disconnecting

Hi there…just seen this…i did build another vm but ive got the old one running still…can i run both the sticks together…?

Yes, since you’re using the conbee for zha

Wow…cool…ok - looks like im going to have a busy few days!! cheers.

Shouldn’t take too long, try pairing 1 remote & 1 bulb for starters
Here’s a flow I made for you to test dimming & toggling the lights (assuming you’re on zigbee2mqtt).
In nodered, go to the burger icon, select import and paste this codes

[{"id":"f02a9d4ab512839a","type":"mqtt in","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"","topic":"zigbee2mqtt/myremote/action","qos":"2","datatype":"auto-detect","broker":"da8d15474208fac9","nl":false,"rap":true,"rh":0,"inputs":0,"x":140,"y":220,"wires":[["22a4fc8fe991ef8a"]]},{"id":"22a4fc8fe991ef8a","type":"switch","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Switch","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"on","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"off","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"brightness_step_up","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"brightness_step_down","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":4,"x":390,"y":220,"wires":[["27f8badf0c793de4"],["6b7058950e0b60be"],["37b08450d52609de"],["71b8c9d00df7701e"]]},{"id":"27f8badf0c793de4","type":"api-call-service","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Turn on lights","server":"f4149317.d3794","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"light","service":"turn_on","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["light.living_room_lights_prime"],"data":"","dataType":"jsonata","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","x":660,"y":140,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"37b08450d52609de","type":"api-current-state","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Check lights state","server":"22f5da40.d3e236","version":3,"outputs":2,"halt_if":"on","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","entity_id":"light.living_room_lights_prime","state_type":"str","blockInputOverrides":false,"outputProperties":[{"property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entityState"},{"property":"data","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entity"}],"for":0,"forType":"num","forUnits":"minutes","x":630,"y":260,"wires":[["b73566da44f3297d"],[]]},{"id":"71b8c9d00df7701e","type":"api-current-state","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Check lights state","server":"22f5da40.d3e236","version":3,"outputs":2,"halt_if":"on","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","entity_id":"light.living_room_lights_prime","state_type":"str","blockInputOverrides":false,"outputProperties":[{"property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entityState"},{"property":"data","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entity"}],"for":0,"forType":"num","forUnits":"minutes","x":630,"y":340,"wires":[["f77a2891d3e82bfd"],[]]},{"id":"b73566da44f3297d","type":"function","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Brightness +30","func":"var brightness =;\nbrightness = parseInt(brightness);\n\nvar dimmSize = 30;  //ONLY CHANGE THIS VALUE IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT DIMM SPEED\nvar maxBrightness = 255;\nif (brightness <= maxBrightness - dimmSize) {\n    brightness += dimmSize;\n} else {\n    brightness = maxBrightness;\n}\n\nmsg.payload = brightness;\n\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":840,"y":260,"wires":[["ad8cd30f9d7836ea"]]},{"id":"f77a2891d3e82bfd","type":"function","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Brightness -40","func":"var brightness =; //setup brightness and set to msg.payload\nbrightness = parseInt(brightness);\n\nif (brightness > 70) {\n    brightness = brightness - 40;\n} else {\n    brightness = 1;\n}\n\nmsg.payload = brightness;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":840,"y":340,"wires":[["33699772ef46703b"]]},{"id":"ad8cd30f9d7836ea","type":"api-call-service","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Light On","server":"22f5da40.d3e236","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"light","service":"turn_on","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["light.living_room_lights_prime"],"data":"{    \"entity_id\": \"light.bedroom_1_light\",    \"brightness\": {{payload}}}","dataType":"json","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","output_location":"","output_location_type":"none","x":1040,"y":260,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"33699772ef46703b","type":"api-call-service","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Light On","server":"22f5da40.d3e236","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"light","service":"turn_on","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["light.living_room_lights_prime"],"data":"{    \"entity_id\": \"light.bedroom_1_light\",    \"brightness\": {{payload}}}","dataType":"json","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","output_location":"","output_location_type":"none","x":1040,"y":340,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"6b7058950e0b60be","type":"api-call-service","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Turn off lights","server":"f4149317.d3794","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"light","service":"turn_on","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["light.living_room_lights_prime"],"data":"","dataType":"jsonata","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","x":660,"y":180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"a275e7f79838f8cb","type":"comment","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Replace with your remote & edit the MQTT server","info":"","x":200,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"7e2c4f328fad80b8","type":"comment","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Replace all light entity with your light bulbs (ALL blue nodes)","info":"","x":700,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"3f533ef4d91259f6","type":"comment","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Increase brightness","info":"","x":830,"y":220,"wires":[]},{"id":"a5c1feffee77f72c","type":"comment","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Decrease brightness","info":"","x":830,"y":380,"wires":[]},{"id":"75030d9c78f61512","type":"comment","z":"961d9d99d2a56836","name":"Only change brightness if light is on","info":"","x":600,"y":300,"wires":[]},{"id":"da8d15474208fac9","type":"mqtt-broker","name":"MQTT hass","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","autoConnect":true,"usetls":false,"protocolVersion":"4","keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","birthMsg":{},"closeTopic":"","closeQos":"0","closePayload":"","closeMsg":{},"willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":"","willMsg":{},"sessionExpiry":""},{"id":"f4149317.d3794","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","version":5,"addon":true,"rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true,"ha_boolean":"y|yes|true|on|home|open","connectionDelay":true,"cacheJson":true,"heartbeat":false,"heartbeatInterval":"30","areaSelector":"friendlyName","deviceSelector":"friendlyName","entitySelector":"friendlyName","statusSeparator":"at: ","statusYear":"hidden","statusMonth":"short","statusDay":"numeric","statusHourCycle":"h23","statusTimeFormat":"h:m","enableGlobalContextStore":true},{"id":"22f5da40.d3e236","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","addon":true,"rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true,"ha_boolean":"y|yes|true|on|home|open","connectionDelay":true,"cacheJson":true,"heartbeat":false,"heartbeatInterval":"","statusSeparator":"","enableGlobalContextStore":false}]

Should look like this:

You’ll just need to replace with your remote & light bulbs

And a quick tutorial using nodered

Ok- thanks for all of that but im stuck back at the start (not that i understand any of the above yet!)…cant get the zigbee2mqtt service to start…(i made another post youll be glad to know! )

Trying to split stuff/requests up…!

Managed to import that into node red (thanks for your help!) but as i say…no zigbee to mqtt at the moment!

ok - got the sonoff dongle working…it it actually works in practice ive no idea…im presuming i need to remove said bulbs from the “other” app…i cant see anywhere to delete devices…

Started watching the video…totally out of my depth by about 30 seconds in…i managed to import your thingy in to node red…so i can see it onscreen…questions:

  1. Its there so not sure how to save it…
  2. how to i apply that flow to my devices.
  3. Assuming i get this far…i did read that i have to “deploy” or something like that but if i do where does it end up in HA?
  4. How do i save it?

From an idiots point of view (mine) i cant link the flow chart in node red to anything in HA? ive not advanced this far yet but i can kind of see what its supposed to do…

Now ive got the zigbee2mqtt working its alot more unfriendlier than zha so im gonna have to find my way round that for a while…

I forgot to mention you need to hit deploy, it’s basically the save button (covered in the tutorial)

As for the z2m, what matters is ‘join’ to add new devices and rename your devices to a more friendly name. You can look at the other settings later

Wow - just had some moderate success (thanks so much for sticking with me!) ive got the button turning on and off a mains socket…its switching both sockets on and off at the same time but i think thats cos im switching the whole device and not the “entity” i think?? it takes a few presses to get it to go as it were…but the main thing is im making progress…thanks again…gonna add some more of the bulbs and see if they stay connected on the mqtt side…

Thanks again…as i say im a thick shit whose hard to teach and i think this demonstrates that perfectly! :slight_smile: