Assign Battery backed button to Bulb

Hi - Very new to Home assistant but its very enjoyable to learn something new… I have a question. I have a remote button which has power, dimming and cycle scenes on it…how do i tie this to a bulb - i want the swtich to be and on/off and dimming for the bulb…not really sure where to look or, where to start?

Thanks very much to anyone that does reply.

This depends on what kind of button and bulb we are talking about. In general:

  1. Connect both the button and the bulb to Home Assistant by adding the integration for it.
    In many cases, Home Assistant will discover your devices automaticaly when these devices are connected to the same network as Home Assistant is using WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee or Zwave. If not, you can configure it manually
    (Integrations - Home Assistant). In many cases you could add a custom integration when the integration is not included as official integration. I reccommend to use HACS for that (see )

  2. Create an automation (Settings/automations) and define the button as trigger and the bulb as action. Actions can be a service like this example:

  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: mylightbulb

or you could for example use a scene as action to set multiple lights, dim them to a certain level and set the right color for your mood and turn on the music. For example we can activate the defined scene ‘romantic’ in an automation:

      - scene: scene.overdag_eethoek

Posibilities are endless

Ok - thanks very much! - first and foremost…the code stuff…no clue! none atall…im struggling with just what i can see thats in windows that i can click on! having said that im getting aquainted slowly with where stuff is. Ill have a crack at it now…many thanks.

Sorry just to say a regular RGB Bayonet bulb and a battery powered button…

Cant find the button - sorry!

Based on what you told me last night i had a go at configuring the switch/button to connect to the bulb but no luck.

Anyone? i think my requirement is quite simple…get a button to switch something off/on…?

What’s the button you’re using? Zigbee type like the ikea ones

Yeah (mine are made by aurora) but yes, all zigbee stuff (my apologies) should have said!!

Is it this one?

Yep - thats the one.! - couldnt find that…! (got a few of them)

Is there a payload once you release the dimming button? I see recall_1 , store_1 listed
How does the dimmer button operate? Does it repeatedly send ‘brightness_step_up/down’ payload the longer you press it or just once?

Err wow - that i dont know…i think you press it repeatedly to get the dimming up and down?
Ive pulled all the old hubs so i cant really check!

You can check the zigbee2mqtt logs for each button press on the remote

Ah - yes i remember seeing that somewhere…bear with caller! :slight_smile:

I think you can bind them considering all your devices are zigbee (i haven’t try this though)

Otherwise,you can import this flow into nodered for the custom actions that you need

Ok - youre talking to someone whose been using this for a week (3 days of that getting it installed!) so i have no idea what “flow” is.!

Ive not used the helpers yet…i did look in there last night and was completely lost…ive managed to set a schedule and thats about it…!

Whats “node red”?

nodered is an homeassistant addon that provides another way of creating your automation ‘visually’
I can help create some flow example(another word for automation in nodered) to get you started but I’ll need some feedback on the payload sent from your remote.

ok- i went to the devices (where i thought it was) but that just tells me a button has been pressed…where am i looking? - i did also click on the link that took me to page on home assistant that said if i go to the device (which i did) and then it said click on the Bindings tab…theres no tab i can see…

If you can bear with me…for some strange reason my laptop keeps failing to load the home assistant dashboard…tried a new profile last night thinking id fixed it…but no…rather than trying to find the issue its been asking for a rebuild…ill just do it now…!

should be here, for example that’s the payload from my ikea remote