Assign entity to a device

I have a really simple question, ok, maybe two.

Can I somehow assign an entity that is created with value template to a device?
So, originally the entity was a part of device but when created new one that only does | round(0), that entity is no longer on device page.
Can I assign it somehow?

If not, where to ask for that feature so it maybe gets implemented?


Bumping this because I would also like to know how to assign a template entity to a device that the original entity is from.

You can’t. And you don’t need a device to create automations.

Who said anything about automations?
I just want to have it all under one device since it’s from that device.

Still, you can’t. Devices are created by an integration that uses config flow, there is no way to add entities to an device outside that integration.

I would also like to assign an entity to the device it comes from, but was lost after the template.
It’s so weird that it’s impossible. But why?
It would be very convenient.


I agree. Why not to add possibility to link entity to the device? As example I want to add energy meters to device from witch I get data. So why not?

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Aww I too was wishing for this. It would help a lot with the organizing the billions of entities and sensors.


Plus one on this. It looks like it somehow already works sometimes?

Here is an example, I have 2 integrations one polls network devices (Unifi) for their status and other controls the camera (Reolink). Under that device’s details, I see 2 separate integrations at the top and their sensors are combined. The Unifi Integration’s entity shows up under Diagnostics on that page.

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+1 from me too! In my case I am using the Sonoff eWeLink container to link my non Sonoff HA devices to my NSpanel and that integration only picks up switches and lights that are part of a device.

I need to do this too, the only way to use the “Reconnect Wireless Client” service from UniFi is to have the Device_Tracker associated to the Device

@zagi988 i think you need to move it to feature request so people can vote on it

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For anyone who stumbles across this thread and wants to request this feature there is a feature request you can vote on here.