Assign scrape sensor to area


I’m trying to assign a scrape sensor to an area. For that I would need to give it a unique_id, because otherwise the GUI wouldn’t let me. I tried multiple approaches, but it seems there is no way to assign a unique_id to such a sensor. Does anyone have an idea or is the only option to use the multiscrape?
Actually, I try to avoid custom integrations and so far this is my only sensor and worked well.

  - platform: scrape
    name: bar
    resource: https://...
    select: ".capacity_auslastung center h2"
    scan_interval: 600
    value_template: "{{ value | replace ('%', '') | int }}"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"

scrape doesn’t allow unique_id, so you can’t ever assign that entity to an area. You can create a template sensor that feeds off the scrape sensor. Add a unique_id to that and assign that to an area.

Thanks @pedro, I’ll try it like this. It’s just a bit weird from a user point of view that such a basic element is not part of some core class of platforms or so, as it is fundamental to the whole system. I also found other platforms with the same issue, e.g. plant. This in the end means doubling the code and unnecessary entities around.
Anyway thanks, solves my problem!