Assist Siri Shortcuts, apple wat

Assist Siri shortcut, Apple Watch

So trying out the new assist Siri Shortcuts, all seems to be fine on my iPhone and HomePod. But when I try it on my Apple Watch it comes up how can I assist? So I give it a command but every time it says allow assist (I have it named control home, because I have a speech problem so it wouldn’t pick up assist) to control home assistant, allow or dont allow and now matter how many times I click or say allow it comes up every time.

Im assuming its to do with permissions, I’m assuming there should be an always allow but I’m not sure where to look for it :thinking:

Any idea’s anyone?

I understand this is a bug that requires (for now) removal of the HA app on watch as a work around.

I have the permissions AND a different issue.

I’m using Assist, with custom sentence “{ name } on” so I can just say “office light on”. Works great using Assist via the assist conversation on mobile or laptop. It does NOT work using apple watch with the button (or other) shortcut. Watch shortcut works using “turn the office light on” (built in sentence). Anyone with advice?

I have a similar issue, although no watch… I can use Assist on my laptop but not on my iPhone. I have the shortcuts installed. I can manually execute the shortcut and type in commands… those work. But dictated commands don’t work for me.

Hi there. I just started playing around with Assist with the release of 2023.5.0, and I have the same issue described above - using the Assist Shortcut on my iPhone and manually typing a command works, but when I try to dictate to Siri on my iPhone using the Assist Shortcut, Siri responds but the action doesn’t execute. Did you ever sort out the issue?


iOS 16.4.1(a)

HA app version 2023.4

I’ve got the same issue as well.
Typing a command in the Assist shortcut works. Dictating a command to the Assist Button shortcut works.
Dictating a command to Siri doesn’t, depending on how the command is worded.

Turning on “Show when Run” in the Assist shortcut shows it always misses the initial command…

Dictate “Turn on fish tank light” results in the command “Assist with “on fish tank light”” and doesn’t work.
Dictate “Switch on fish tank light” results in the command “Assist with “on fish tank light”” and doesn’t work.

However, dictate “Fish tank light on” results in the command “Assist with “Fish tank light on”” and works fine.


@scotty1395 Very intriguing find. Shortening the command phrasing works for me as well. I wonder what’s causing Assist to “miss” waking up?

Since Assist is connected to Home Assistant Cloud, I may open a ticket and point the team to this thread to see what they may be able to sort out.

Seems like the same issue discussed here - if the start of the text looks like a command the dictation is dropping it for some reason. They say it was fixed in an iOS update but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Putting the name of the entity first works as described above, I’ve also found you can repeat the first word like “Turn turn on …” or “Switch switch on …” and it drops only the first word leaving the correct command.

Oah, come on, those are very ugly workarounds. Before I would be forced to use voice assistant that way, I‘d rather not use it at all tbh.

I thought I‘m the only one running into this very same behavior/issue (2023.2: How can I Assist? - #455 by e-raser).

Now I‘m getting a bit uncomfortable as I can’t really use all the fancy new „year of the voice“ stuff as my number one devices (iDevices) suck and basically block any practical usage… what‘s a solution to this?

I agree this is a bit ugly, but the way I have gotten around it, until Apple get their s#$t in a pile, is to tell everyone to be nice to Siri. Basically, if you start each sentence with “Please…” then it will work just fine. i.e. try saying “Please turn the lights on” and if you have the “Show when run” toggle on in the shortcut, you will see that Siri drops the “please”, but keeps the “turn the lights on” as Provided Input to Home Assistant.

Is this ideal? Hell no. but hey it works and gets you using your manners! (at least until Apple fix it!)

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Same issue here!

I think I have found a better solution. You need to change the type of “provide input” from “text” to “URL”. In German, a command understood by Siri would be: “schalte%20wohnzimmerlicht%aus” (with text, it was understood as “wohnzimmerlicht”). Then you need to create an action “replace text” and replace “%20” with " ". Finally, the modified text from “replace text” needs to be changed to assist in the last action.

If I have time, I will post a screenshot.


Hi collateral,

I trying to change as you describe but when I input after “Siri, Assist”, it look like siri was doing outside home assistant shortcut. eg, my siri was toggle something else in homekit instead.

Could you please provide a screenshot or have a more information about how to do it?

Thank in advance. :slight_smile: