I’m trying to set up an automation that when I arrive home and my phone is connected to my car’s bluetooth, it will open the garage. I can get the arrival home and garage open working, but having issues with the bluetooth function. The yaml is below and any help would be very appreciated, thanks!
alias: garage door auto open
description: OPens when I arrive home with bluetooth connected
– trigger: zone
entity_id: device_tracker.sm_s928u1
zone: zone.home
event: enter
– condition: state
entity_id: sensor.sm_s928u1_bluetooth_connection
attribute: connected_paired_devices
state: 30:DF:17:1B:F0:A6 (Ascent)
– device_id: 56057c241f9557e64ca3d791570c0758
domain: cover
entity_id: 1e6043d3b8dbd0ab32dc489630aaeebe
type: open
– action: notify.mobile_app_sm_s928u1
metadata: {}
message: Garage Door is opening
ttl: 0
priority: high
mode: single