Assistance with MCO home CO2 monitor

Coming from homey (hate it, it died) thought i could easily transfer my MCO home - CO2 sensor to HA zwave.

appearantly the sensor is supported, but I cant get it to work with home assistant.

It at least does not react on inclusion (holding button k2 for 3 seconds)

Need more info.

Are you trying to get the sensor to show or are yih trying to import old data.

If it’s just getting a ZWave sensor to show I’d change this to not be WTH (it’s really for feature requests) move the category and help us with what your sensor is what you have already setup to try t on do it.

Added the sensor type to the opening post.

I see no support for MCO home at all :person_shrugging:t2:

Wich really surprises me. There are not many CO2 sensors on the market.

You can check the zwave-js driver database for supported Z-Wave devices, and looks like the MH9-CO2 is listed, so at least it thinks it’s supported, so you may be having other issues. Recommend asking for assistance over in the Z-Wave category before assuming lack of support.

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I have been using the MCO for years on now, it’s a zwave device indeed, no problem including it


thanks, i was not aware such a list exists.

with using K2 (upper) button 3 seconds?

I use aeotec Zwave USB stick and Zwave JS application

Exactly where I was going. This is a problem with your specific device. For the record HA ZWave is certification compliant. That means even if it doesn’t understand the sensor it should pull in the ZWave basic entity at a MINIMUM so if it’s not something else is broken. :wink:

Please also update the title to something like assistance with xyz and move it to the ZWave category.

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Tbh, I don’t remember but you just find it in the manual , it worked exactly as advertised

And as you can see I use that same usbstick.

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Did you exclude the device first?

yes, excluded in in homey.

You haven’t anything to loose trying a factory reset then attempt inclusion.

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Factory reset the co2 sensor?
Dont think i found that in the manual?

did you search… please give it some effort

manual mco multi sensor
manual mco co2 sensor…

this will provide you with all you need to know

factory reset isnt required, just set it to inclusion mode.

ehhh I wrote; “dont think i found that in the manual” - so i do have the manual, I did read it, but did not find the factory reset. So I gave it that effort.

“just inclusion mode” does not seem to work, I wrote that too.

so thanks for your effort, mate.

from that manual:

press k2 long (3 s) and then once short did not reset the node number - contrary to what the manual sais.

exclusion with HA did not work either.

luckily - my homey zwave still works. i tried adding it there and homey then starts with exclusion (I got the three — in the display ) and I aborted the procedure on Homey there.

Then back to home assistant for inclusion and yay - 3rd attempt it worked. pfffff.