Assistant doesn't see devices

I’m fairly new to HA so hopefully this is a simple problem.

I’ve got a megadesk device (named “desk”) that controls my desk height. I’ve been able to manage it from the HA UI with custom buttons and the like, but when I ask the assistant to “raise the desk” it claims it doesn’t know about that device.

I’ve attached a screenshot showing what I’d expect the desk being shown as a device.

What would I have gotten wrong for the assistant not to know about devices?

What is the device class of the desk?
Initially, the Assist does not perform button presses. And it doesn’t work with range value selection outside of light and cover domains.

You need to create your own scripts for this.

I’m not sure how to tell what class the device is (though I thought classes were for entities).

I did find that a lot of the entities on the desk device weren’t exposed to the voice assistant, so I enabled those and also added aliases, but I still can’t seem to trigger the actual desk (it still complains that there is no desk device).

I also think it might be that I don’t know how to trigger the intents on the particular entity. When I asked “is the mini locked” it was able to say “yes”. But “what’s the height of the desk” or “press the standing button” doesn’t work (not quite sure how I reword - suspect it’s a learning issue)

That’s right, we were talking about entities inside the device that you want to interact with.
If you share them, then I can give you a more specific hint.

Or study the available control phrases for different classes yourself