Associations troubles with new ZwaveJS2Mqtt version 5.10.1

I did yesterday update to the newest ZwaveJS2Mqtt version. And made a re-interview of all the nodes.
After that I figured out that my Fibaro Wally Double Switch FGWDSEU-221 doesn’t transfer the On/Off states from the node to HA anymore.
I did try to play around with associations, but couldn’t figure how to fix it.

zwavejs2mqtt: 5.10.1
zwave-js: 8.6.1

Z-Wave JS to MQTT: 0.28.0

That’s from the log:

  "id": 10,
  "name": "Double Switch WC/VMC",
  "loc": "Corridor",
  "values": [
      "id": "10-134-0-libraryType",
      "nodeId": 10,
      "commandClass": 134,
      "commandClassName": "Version",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "property": "libraryType",
      "propertyName": "libraryType",
      "type": "number",
      "readable": true,
      "writeable": false,
      "label": "Library type",
      "stateless": false,
      "list": true,
      "states": [
          "text": "Unknown",
          "value": 0
          "text": "Static Controller",
          "value": 1
          "text": "Controller",
          "value": 2
          "text": "Enhanced Slave",
          "value": 3
          "text": "Slave",
          "value": 4
          "text": "Installer",
          "value": 5
          "text": "Routing Slave",
          "value": 6
          "text": "Bridge Controller",
          "value": 7
          "text": "Device under Test",
          "value": 8
          "text": "N/A",
          "value": 9
          "text": "AV Remote",
          "value": 10
          "text": "AV Device",
          "value": 11
      "value": 3,
      "newValue": 3
 "groups": [
      "text": "Lifeline",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "value": 1,
      "maxNodes": 1,
      "isLifeline": true,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "On/Off (1)",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "value": 2,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Dimmer (1)",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "value": 3,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "On/Off (2)",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "value": 4,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Dimmer (2)",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "value": 5,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Lifeline",
      "endpoint": 1,
      "value": 1,
      "maxNodes": 1,
      "isLifeline": true,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "On/Off (1)",
      "endpoint": 1,
      "value": 2,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Dimmer (1)",
      "endpoint": 1,
      "value": 3,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Lifeline",
      "endpoint": 2,
      "value": 1,
      "maxNodes": 1,
      "isLifeline": true,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "On/Off (2)",
      "endpoint": 2,
      "value": 2,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true
      "text": "Dimmer (2)",
      "endpoint": 2,
      "value": 3,
      "maxNodes": 5,
      "isLifeline": false,
      "multiChannel": true

The device appears to use multichannel association with multiple endpoints, so can be difficult to configure. It also has a bunch of different configuration parameters. They’re all listed here

I’m honestly not too familiar with this device, but to set an association in zwavejs2mqtt, go to the control panel, scroll down to the device and expand it, then click “groups” . Existing associations are listed. Then click “add”.

Be sure to fill out all the info including the endpoints per the device’s instruction manual

Thank you @mwav3 in general I know how to deal with the groups in ZwaveJS2Mqtt and after reading again through the manual I think the lifeline associations (endpoint 0-2) to the Z-Wave server must do the job. But at the moment I can’t change the associations at all. Everything seems to be ok from the logs, but no new association are visible after refresh, as well I can’t remove any.

2021-11-05 11:43:46.901 INFO ZWAVE: Assocaitions: Adding Node 1 to Group 1 of Node 10 Endpoint 1
2021-11-05 11:43:47.196 INFO ZWAVE: Success zwave api call addAssociations undefined
2021-11-05 11:43:47.900 INFO ZWAVE: Calling api getAssociations with args: [ 10, [length]: 1 ]
2021-11-05 11:43:47.907 INFO ZWAVE: Success zwave api call getAssociations [
  { endpoint: 0, groupId: 1, nodeId: 1, targetEndpoint: undefined },
  { endpoint: 0, groupId: 1, nodeId: 1, targetEndpoint: 0 },
  { endpoint: 1, groupId: 1, nodeId: 1, targetEndpoint: undefined },
  { endpoint: 2, groupId: 1, nodeId: 1, targetEndpoint: undefined },
  [length]: 4

There must be something broken with the latest update or my installation.

There was a recent fix around multichannel association

More about it is here

What I don’t get is why you can’t manually add and remove associations. Did you try to re-interview? If that doesn’t work not sure if you want to try “remove all” to blow them all out, a factory reset of the device and reinclude, or wait for the fix in 8.7.3 to make it into zwavejs2mqtt

Yep that’s weird, yesterday I could change manually the associations today it doesn’t work anymore on any devices/nodes.
And I don’t changed anything on the configuration.

ok did finally downgrade to the previous version of HA Z-Wave JS to MQTT and now everything works again.

zwavejs2mqtt: 5.8.0
zwave-js: 8.4.1

Z-Wave JS to MQTT: 0.27.0

Ok seems to be fixed in the newest version.

Z-Wave JS to MQTT, V 0.30.0
zwavejs2mqtt: 5.12.0
zwave-js: 8.7.6

see: Z-Wave JS to MQTT: Version 0.28.0 has issues with assocations (lifeline) · Issue #289 · hassio-addons/addon-zwavejs2mqtt · GitHub

I’m on 5.10.1 and have no issues adding, removing, or setting associations. I don’t have any multichannel devices though, so that could be where the problem is.

Hopefully the github issue can provide some further clarification, but they’re likely going to want logs and more info from you.