Asterisk/homeassistant Phone secretary with AI call screening

Hello. I have again made great progress with my phone assistant. I added a AI prompts for unknown callers to allow important calls.

the system is able to pick up calls when I’m busy. (late, agenda item, or manual switch)
If i have a meeting and the caller is a attendee the call is allowed.

Or else Sacha picks up the phone and gives you the options.

To allow passage to voicemail.
To call me anyway. (close group can call any way, others are relayed to the AI prompt)
To get information about my whereabouts (if you are in the close group)


O yes. My cell phone can be integrated with tasker.

Now my cell phone will be able to redirect to my home phone if im busy (new feature) have a callendar item or its late.

Everything is better with a demonstration

Oke. I found two bugs. One is that using the menu cant be used the 2nd dial. the system hangs.
and one that if a key is pressed before the menu message is ended the system also hangs.

I make a addon restart. Now creating a fail over home assistant to ensure the system is up.

Right I created an additional minimal Home assistant on a debian VM on kvm on a raspberry pi 4 8g.
As fail over system. And two scripts restarting the HA-sip integration after a call from 5555 is ended or after some time after a key is pressed.

I made some calls right after each other. one of the two systems is always up. So together its a stable system. \o/

Bumb. updated main post with my github code.

lots of changes since this post.
I now use asterisk extents instead of the sip add-on.

a asterisk landline answering machine synced to your mobile with tasker.

features. different groups based on nextcloud group selection.
dont call late. (time depended on group)
dont call when busy. calendar item or manual setting,
number blacklist. callers get a quote of the day.
bilingual dutch and English. (busy message got translated)

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made some fixes. and now if you belong to a meeting your call is passed trough.

oke sascha now got AI

you now can allow friends to make plans at preset free slots.

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Do you have detailed instructions for install?
I’m running HA and Asterisk on Proxmox

No not really.

I have the code in github but it isnt wrapped in an installer.

If you are really intrested we can work it out together. And write it down for others.

Im finishing up my code and push it to github.

added the latest new feature. If a voicemail pickup of a caller is announced you can accept the caller to your phone by saying. accept

Need to remove and rewrite a lot of old code.
then i can push to github

oh i didnt reply to you read up. ^^