Last year. I migrated from a raspberry pi4 8 gig
to a Celeron J6412 16 gig
I use debian with libvirt with the following vms
- karin: home assistant main
- sascha: asterisk server
- alfred: media server (many mpd servers, snapcast enz)
- sara: HA for sascha AI prompt.
I create AI voice screening for my asterisk server.
But this requires some AI power.
I currently use my laptop. (can work over vpn) to run the AI openhermes model. This runs acceptable (as long the model is loaded in memory). Its a ryzen 5 pro.
So i think to get some mobile ryzen 7 processor with 32gig (16 for vms, 16 for AI) im save.
If i get some system with a AI capable gpu, things get expensive.
But I heard news for a big alliance going to work against Nvidia’s dominance in AI including arm. Are there devices coming to the market for running language models.
I intent to buy a new system very year.