I have an Asus rt-ac86u router and it has the latest Merlin firmware on it so I am using ssh. I have an issue where a device leaves the home but are still being marked as home. I have had three people come over and have been gone for hours but are still showing as home. Before I upgraded to the latest Merlin this was not the case but I was using telnet
Anyone else have this issue or ideas on how to fix this?
I keep getting this error
Connection refused. b’ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused\r\r\n’
Would you happened to enable the Administration/System/Web Interface/Allow only specified IP address without HA’s IP address in Asus?
I no longer have the error however my devices don’t seem to be updating from the router. I have someone who is marked as home yet they are not home. The router does not seem to be updating the status in HA.
How i resolved the problem is by creating an ini script on the router under /jffs/scripts/init-start which flushes the arp every 5 mins.
cru a flush_arp “*/5 * * * * /bin/ip -s -s neigh flush all”
I still have issues with this. I have to admit I didn’t use the script because I don’t want to be flushing the arp every 5 minutes but it would be nice if this was somehow fixed. Does anyone else have issues with this?