Asus presence detection not working after latest update

Hi guys,

I have an issue regarding the Asus tracker, after the upgrade, from 26 to 28.
I have updated the configuration as mentioned in the component documentation:

- platform: asuswrt
  protocol: telnet
  mode: router
  username: xxxxxxx
  password: yyyyyyy
  track_new_devices: false

And the device that I am trying to track:

  name: xxxxxxxx WIFI
  mac: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  track: yes
  hide_if_away: no

When I configure the device_tracker, it will work just fine for some time. After configure it I usually play with the device turning of the WIFI and the status is updated accordingly.
But on next day I notice that the mentioned device is reported as Home even if it is not around. The status is some how not updated anymore. I even restarted Hass but there is no change on the status.
In order to make it work again, I have to edit the know_devices.yaml, and turn track to no and back to yes.

There are no errors reported in the console. I’ve checked the router also but the router does not report that device in the network.

Any advice or idea on this?


did you get this working?

I’m on 0.80 now and nope… tracker does not work